
Day 1,073, 04:01 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Robertpro
How I got here in eRep world(with some Serbian dollars),and how Serbian Snipers wanted to kill me...

Here we go guys,Robert is back to eRep world...

As we have not seen each other so much,I decided to put a 1-hour chat session for 31/10 10PM to 11PM(time may change anytime) in #erepublik.my in Rizon IRC...

During this session,you can ask me anything about RL or eRep plans...

Of course the main reason I do this (1-hour chat) because I want to organize a competition for babyboom...

The competition something rhymes with logan,old,and a-sia.

After some time,I will hijack a ship,and take me back to the PLASTIC BEACH(eSabah)...