
Day 982, 21:51 Published in China China by Ministry of SinoEducation

之前我们曾经发过技能被均分的ticket的模板;不知道有多少位公民有关注过无头鸡 回信呢?


Dear citizen,

We have analyzed your issue and we have some good news for you: we will help you to migrate your skills the way you want them to be!

In the following weeks, our tech department will develop a new Migration Panel. We are sorry that it cannot be faster but this is a delicate movement and we want to be sure that it will be made perfectly. Follow the future eRepublik Insiders in order for you to be informed when this Migration Panel will be live.

In the meanwhile, you should continue to work and train, because every gained point will matter in the moment you will be able to migrate your military and economic skills.

Hoping that we managed to provide you some good news, we wish you a great day!

Thank you very much,
Your eRepublik Team



我们已经了解了您的情况;现在我们要告诉您一个好消息:我们将按照您的愿望,帮助您重 新转换您的技能!

在接下来的几周,我们的技术部门将研发一个新的技能转换面板。我们对此感到抱歉,因为 这是一个缓慢的过程;这是由于,这个改动需要一些细微的技术处理,我们希望这个部分能 够做到完美。在未来的某个时间,eRepublik Insiders会通知您何时技能转换会开通。

在等待的同时,您需要继续工作、训练和学习;因为当中您所取得的每一个点数,都会关系 到最后您对军事技能和工作技能的转换结果。


您的 特别鸡动队


从页面最下方进入contact,选择view my ticket;点击进去,就会看到Admin的回复以及您自己的ticket了。

Day 982