'Tis Easier to Destroy than to Create

Day 1,157, 22:16 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

The scourge of the savage MDPers is upon us. They know not civilisation, manners or culture. They care only for themselves and are as barbaric as their dirty little hands can be.

The DALer is a gentle, civilised and intelligent being.

The DALer has refined tastes: he drinks Chardonnay, listens to Bach, reads Tolstoy and enjoys the occasional hunt. Unlike the Murderous Drunken Primitives, DAL society would never allow men to wear skirts, or women to wear pants. Never mind coloured people roaming the MDP streets like stray dogs. Har. Har. Har. Jolly good fun.

Where the MDPer is content with making jokes about flatulence, the DALer finds their humour in Charlie Chaplin and the Marx Brothers.

Similarly, DALers do not worship many Gods like the MDP primitives do. They worship one glorious being, the one and only Flying Spaghetti Monster.

The MDP heathens will, of course, pray for forgiveness as soon as His day is upon us. In the meantime, let them enjoy their childish playing in the mud and their endless supply of cheap rum.

We have, in the past attempted to contact the Murderous Drunken Primitives for dinner. However, there was a slight misunderstanding. While we on the civilised portion of planet earth went to have a few drinks and hearty chuckles with fellow human beings

we were confronted by savagery of the worst kind! Why, my 6th wife fainted on the spot when she viewed the scene.

Well, I never. To view parts of the human body the FSM made to be hidden was a horendous experience. I had to go back to my Baroque mansion and execute a few slaves to rid myself of this grotesque image.

And the weapons they fight and hunt with!

So unlike the noble DALer.

How dare the Murderous Drunken Primitives show themselves in public without a tie! How dare they eat meat before it is cooked to medium rare! How dare they copulate with other men and other men's wives without shame!

^Our art^

^Their art^

So think. Do you wish for drunken savages to pillage your women and rape your churches? Do you want coloured folks to be allowed to wear ties and women to wear pants, my god?! If you belong to the civilised variety of homo sapiens, then the DAL is the place for you where we shall discuss fine cuisine, the economics of 17th century Vienna and why savages will never replace good old folk like us under our watch now will they? Nay! Not under our watch.

Paid for by the Committee to Elect DAL Congressmen.