Hintergrund an/aus

The Last Kiss

16 Tag 813, 19:14 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

First let me apologize in advance for the wording of this article. With my new duties as AAR Marshal I have had no spare time to create a suitable announcement.

I will not be running for Party President of the Australian Military Party for the

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A message from the A.M.P

23 Tag 805, 04:11 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

There is so much I could speak about in this article. I could preach to you about the upcoming elections. I could disassemble candidate platforms and create character judgements based on assumptions and deceptive motives.
But I will not.

I have

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Nine in the Senate. The AMP is Locked and Loaded

19 Tag 799, 03:36 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

The election has come and gone and the Australian Military Party has exceeded all expectations with all nine senators not only being voted in but three of us attaining the highest position our states have to offer.

AMP Warlords, Premier Ranger[

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7 Tag 797, 17:51 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

I am pleased to announce a momentous day for the Australian Military Party. For too long the party slept and was content to sit on minimal numbers doing no recruiting, proposing no changes. In effect the party was an empty shell.
How quickly things

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Team AMP (Senate Elections)

15 Tag 796, 01:23 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

I am pleased to announce a momentous day for the Australian Military Party. For too long the party slept and was content to sit on minimal numbers doing no recruiting, proposing no changes. In effect the party was an empty shell.
How quickly things

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