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United We Stand - Divided We Still Stand

East Asia Daily Name Change and Redebut(JAP)

3 Tag 999, 13:46 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

Heilongjiang, eChina:

Hola amigos!

As you may already know, I am Marcos Arolia. From Spain, I moved to Heilongjiang after the successful resistance war to help defend it against attack. Citizenship was achieved not long after, and I have been

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descansar en paz Sr. Durden

0 Tag 933, 20:20 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada


From reading your media, I have learned of this man's real life death. I am a suscriber to his newspaper, and learning of this has saddened me. Though I never knew him directly, I enjoyed … mehr »


4 Tag 933, 19:20 Veröffentlicht in China China


哈哈哈哈哈! … mehr »

Saludos Mi Amigos!(AUS)

5 Tag 755, 12:07 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

As you are aware now, my country has begun to attack Brasil. This effort is meant to do two things:

1. Help our Australian brothers in their war effort.

2. To remove Brasil from Venezuela.

With victory in Guyana, we will retain initiative

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To Freedom Once More With Feeling

9 Tag 701, 15:51 Veröffentlicht in North Korea North Korea

Hello Coreans!!

I shall be the first to congratulate your resurfacing, in Hungarian occupied territory no less. Congratulations!

Now would be the time to make certain that your nation does not fall once more under the boot that is PEACE.

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