Hintergrund an/aus

[MoD] Day 2,358 Yorkshire/Germany

1 Tag 2,358, 02:16 Veröffentlicht in Denmark Denmark Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

hey Germark,

yesterday has been going quite well, military-wise: Midtjylland has been liberated (this will allow us to reset the determination when Germany re-takes it), Scotland has … mehr »

[MoD] Day 2,357 - Scotland/Germany

4 Tag 2,357, 04:38 Veröffentlicht in Denmark Denmark Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

hey Germark,

a lot of stuff has been going on lately, a (really) short overview over the most important things:

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[MoD] Day 2,337 - Hovedstaden/Germany

1 Tag 2,337, 16:29 Veröffentlicht in Denmark Denmark Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

hey Germark,

same stuff - different day: Germany attacked Hovedstaden, our last remaining region. Once they've won, our shield will be entirely depleted. Good job so far. 🙂

The … mehr »

[MoD] Day 2,334 - Syddanmark/Germany

2 Tag 2,334, 08:55 Veröffentlicht in Denmark Denmark Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge

hey Germarkians, friends & allies,

after a decent period of silence, it's about time the Danish Ministry of Defense shows presence again and informs you about recent events.

At … mehr »

[MoD] Day 2,316 - Syddanmark/Denmark

1 Tag 2,316, 15:25 Veröffentlicht in Denmark Denmark Kampfaufträge Kampfaufträge


congress elections are pretty much safe at this point, well done everyone. 🙂 Today is the day the party presidents set up the congress lists, tomorrow is going to be election … mehr »