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The article that will NOT buy its subs through stuff4subs. I want 1000 clean subscribers, not paid off ones. Follow me on my journey to see if I can get 1000 people to simply like my writing.

What will eUSA do for a treasure map!!!

7 Tag 907, 18:11 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I haven't had a lot to write about, but there is something that is just ticking me off every time I sign on. People are really going crazy with the prizes in the newpapers!

Come on America! I want solid information in my top 5! Not your stupid

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Why do politics come with contreversy?

3 Tag 888, 19:01 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

All the state of Alaska wanted was a fair. It seems as if we are not going to get it.

Before I write this, I want EVERYONE to know that:
1.) I am not complaining.
2.) I am not saying I was cheated
3.) I am not accusing WarriorX of cheating

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Congress: Cut throat or Kindness? The Cloyd Wallis Story

3 Tag 887, 18:46 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

As many of my subscribers know, I have been running for congress in Alaska. I'm not writing this to encourage you to vote for me. I'm writing this to tell the story of somebody who was kind enough to put his country before himself.

Cloyd Wallis

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Who is Gunning for Karnataka?

2 Tag 884, 20:31 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

The title says it all. That is the question on everybodys minds: Who is coming after Karnataka? We'll discuss it in ThErepublik Minute.

Many people have been wondering what countries should we be looking for to come after eUSA's only

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9 Tag 883, 17:20 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

TODAYS TOPIC: Poland invading Mexico

Hey guys, third installment of ThErepublik Minute, where we like to keep it short and to the point, so you can move on with your real lives!

Today, Poland declared war on Mexico. Many people have their own

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