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Ligtreb for Colorado

5 Tag 513, 11:37 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I'm ligtreb and I'm excited to be running for Congress in Colorado. I thought you might want to get to know me better and read my platform.

About Me

I've been a part of eRepublik for over two months now and have enjoyed it tremendously.

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Why is everyone resigning from congress?

14 Tag 507, 21:33 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

In the past couple of weeks, it seems we've had a rush of senators resign from Congress.

But why?

Why run for Congress if you're just going to leave after a couple of weeks? I've only been here for a couple of months, so maybe this is the way

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More congressional election data, part 1

2 Tag 500, 23:32 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I'm only like 10 days late with this, but I'm a numbers geek in real life, and haven't seen anyone else publish congressional data like this.

We've seen cool maps by party and overall percentages, but i haven't seen a list of incumbents by

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Congratulations to ssomo, Oregon's new congressman

0 Tag 492, 00:12 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

It's official now -- ssomo is the next congressman from Oregon, having beaten me and 3 others in a landslide.

ssomo ran an excellent campaign and I expect ssomo to be a great congressman and represent eOregon well.

Congratulations to ssomo and

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Check out the Oregon Debates

0 Tag 491, 10:34 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

I participated in a debate with fellow Oregon candidates CaptainCAPS and ssomo over at The Muckraker, the great newspaper run by Hari Michaelson.

Click here to

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