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[MoE] - New Rewards for the Weekly Challenge since Day 2240

7 Tag 2,242, 09:54 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

Hey hey !

A little update with the new rewards for the weekly challenge. The first will be D1&D1 divisions and the other one for D3&D4.

How does it work ? You must reach "X" prestige point … mehr »

[MoE] Canada in numbers !

21 Tag 2,237, 13:09 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

Howdy !

Lets have a see at ours lovely country in numbers.

Canada population&influence versus the World

[img]http://[/img]mehr »

[MoE] - Gift Packs & Power Spin and Plato Gift

9 Tag 2,221, 10:04 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

Howdy here !

As you have all see, our dearest friend Plato has decided to grant us some Winter Promotions, promotions which are obviously available mostly to citizens with access to their own … mehr »

[MoE] - IRC Guide - Connecting, Registering, & Identifying

6 Tag 2,164, 09:04 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

This guide is a beginner introduction to IRC and Mibbit. It will explain how to get on IRC (using Mibbit), how to register your nickname, and how to identify to your nickname. These are very … mehr »

[MoE] - Library of Links

7 Tag 2,153, 09:09 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik Die ersten Schritte bei eRepublik

As a new player, it’s easy to get lost in the sea of information available about the eRepublik, aware that the water is around you, as it were, but unsure of which direction to turn. This article … mehr »