Hintergrund an/aus

Opca opasnost!!! Bolivije sprema TO eHrvatske!!!

39 Tag 569, 15:35 Veröffentlicht in Serbia Serbia

Kao sto i sam naslov govori, Bolivijancima je preko glave tiranije zlih Hrvata.
Sada se sigurno prosjecni gradanin eSrbije pita: Pa sto mene to briga?

Pa kako te ne bi bilo briga, namece se pitanje: A gdje smo onda mi u toj cijeloj prici?

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God morning to indonesianises peoples

14 Tag 569, 15:13 Veröffentlicht in Indonesia Indonesia

Helo peoples of indonesia.

I can see clearly now that you are the greatest players of this "game" erepublik. You know what is there to be do, and you are do it great. I do not knowing if this is perefect time for write this article becouse I do

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Hi to the Italians peoples...

17 Tag 569, 15:01 Veröffentlicht in Italy Italy

and special Hi & kises to zocky and jozo. If you du not udersanding english wery well I can writting in italian. I am hope that you will udersand what I want say. I am hope that you can speak and reed english wery well.

I am wanna say that tere

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Once there was...

10 Tag 569, 14:48 Veröffentlicht in Pakistan Pakistan

There was Dio Brando. But he disappeared. Sad day for Pakistan peoples.
There was Dio Brando. But he disappeared. Sad day for Pakistan peoples.
There was Dio Brando. But he disappeared. Sad day for Pakistan peoples.
There was Dio Brando. But

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Idemo im pokazati koliko nas ima!!!

11 Tag 569, 14:45 Veröffentlicht in Slovenia Slovenia

Neka svaki slovenac ostavi komentar, prebrojimo se koliko nas ima.
Znate ono, prvi slovenac, drugi slovenac itd...Pokazimo im da vas ima!!!

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