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Armijas vienības [Pievienojies][LV]

12 Tag 869, 12:49 Veröffentlicht in Latvia Latvia


Pašlaik notiek impeachments pret KKK ar domu tikt vaļā no mūsu jaunā MoD Red.Fox... (iemesls:?) Jā, viņš raksta krieviski, bet arī ļoti labi saprot, ko viņ
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Help the Latvian MMM project!

4 Tag 866, 04:45 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

Hey, our dear United Netherlands allies. The country of eLatvia has started a MMM project. We hope you'll help us by subscribing the newspapers below, because the money received from the medals will be donated to our National Bank of eLatvia and mehr »

Help the Latvian MMM project!

8 Tag 865, 02:50 Veröffentlicht in Turkey Turkey

Hey, our dear Turkey allies. The country of eLatvia has started a MMM project. We hope you'll help us by subscribing the newspapers below, because the money received from the medals will be donated to our National Bank of eLatvia and will be used mehr »

Help the Latvian MMM project!

2 Tag 864, 11:11 Veröffentlicht in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Hey, our dear United Kingdom allies. The country of eLatvia has started a MMM project. We hope you'll help us by subscribing the newspapers below, because the money received from the mehr »

Jaunā eRepublik foruma platforma!

5 Tag 864, 04:32 Veröffentlicht in Latvia Latvia

.::Insider vēstis::.

http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/c/c1/Screenshotforum.jpg" alt="obrazek" title="http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/c/c1/Screenshotforum.jpg" width="300">
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