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The Reading Railroad is a private newspaper dedicated to all things Monopoly and for getting readers to the "Go" spot on their game-board of life.

A Cold Winter return and a Warm Exciting Contest

2 Tag 768, 10:40 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

In case anyone wants to know, leaning on a cane is dangerous to your health, and moreso your balance...

As I promised to my friends and fellow citizens here in eJapan, after … mehr »

Change Congressional Representation (Link to Suggestion)

4 Tag 757, 15:12 Veröffentlicht in India India

Me running to the admins

Quite recently I made a suggestion to the admins, the link to this is below, the context reads as follows:

&quot😉efined on the wiki [ … mehr »

Watch Out eIndia! Mafia Impeachment Proposal!

13 Tag 741, 18:53 Veröffentlicht in India India

Watch out!


All congressman please vote NO! This proposal is a MAFIA attempt at ending the current president's mehr »

Leaving the Rising Sun (Then go back 3 Spaces)

17 Tag 728, 21:19 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

Yes, the recent rumors are true (as I have said so myself), I will be leaving eJapan and its people really, really soon. I have been around on the IRC recently and on the forums, … mehr »

[JV]The Crossroads: PEACE and the decision eJapan will have to make

18 Tag 725, 17:37 Veröffentlicht in Japan Japan

The idea of war has usually been on the back burner for a social society such as eJapan, an irony for a web browser game based off of conflict in its present stage. A society marked … mehr »