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Prague News are Czech conservative newspapers since 2008.

Czech politics

3 Tag 383, 11:45 Veröffentlicht in Czech Republic Czech Republic

These days are ones of busiest and maybe most happy in e-Czech republic history. We have nobody in politics with external interests. After long time all politicians want good for the Czech Republic, I believe in it.

On the other hand, we are in

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Industry plan - continue

7 Tag 383, 04:03 Veröffentlicht in Czech Republic Czech Republic

Yesterday I wrote what I have wanted to do and how, I have made it short but clear, to ensure that money will be distributed carefully, especcialy when we have not much money, thats why I havent waited on todays free time to write proper article.[

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Short article introducing industry plan

5 Tag 382, 08:36 Veröffentlicht in Czech Republic Czech Republic

It was offered me to be industry and trade minister and I agreed. I have some plans there, question is if we will have money to realize it. I am very busy with visitors and preparations on pub, so only shortly and without image. Sry for english and

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HC: Wenceslaus (Václav)

4 Tag 382, 02:44 Veröffentlicht in Czech Republic Czech Republic

My first article in History Corner is about patron of Czech state, I have wrote article before some days, but because possible unwanted associations I have published it now, after elections.

Wenceslaus was Bohemian duke and is considered as

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History Corner

3 Tag 380, 17:03 Veröffentlicht in Czech Republic Czech Republic

I am planning make some history section. You should ask why to bother with real history in e-republic. Well I think that for no natives should be interesting get some knowledge about Czech history, for others it should be useful because I consider

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