Hintergrund an/aus

eBelgium, here I come!

18 Tag 733, 14:59 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear citizens,

Sometimes difficult choices need to be made.
My choice as Prime Minister was to support the congress proposition of the president about the new chart and to leave Peace. I did not make that choice because he is from BP or a RL

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Olv007: "Congratz Murena!"

6 Tag 666, 00:15 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear BP members,

First of all I want to thank all the BP Members who believed in me. They have sent me many encouraging messages who made me feel I was on the good way. Thanks again for believing in a united country where it’s good to live all

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Stop the Political Take-Over!

5 Tag 664, 23:48 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Citizens,

This is the moment we are being waiting for. It's one of the most important moments of our History and we count on your good decision.
As you have maybe read on the GVD newspaper, the "Old BP" is trying to do a Political Take-Over.

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Olv007: My answers for the BP elections

6 Tag 663, 13:48 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear Citizens,

I received some questions from regarding the BP elections of tomorrow. As transparency is very important in my eyes, here are the questions and my answers:

Question: How would you lead the party to the elections (and win)?

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New Candidate for BP President

7 Tag 659, 15:02 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

Dear eCitizens of the eUNL,

I will present myself for the next elections of our BP party in 5 days.

I forced myself to apply for this function as it seems we are going in a very bad direction. Some members of our party forgot how important all

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