Hintergrund an/aus

May 16 2010

1 Tag 908, 03:34 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

Someone said no news is a good news. However, there are some news from the front. Those news did not need to repeat at here because everyone can read them in other big newspapers. The stalemate is continuing and France is not going to fall yet.

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May 15 2010

4 Tag 907, 02:42 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

We have a election today and I wonder Chochi will win this time because he is number one on the list. Would Chochi make anything better if he was elected? I wish he (maybe her) can bring a better future. By the way, I hope he can let Canada back

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May 14 2010

1 Tag 906, 04:26 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada


實際上我也不是完全贊成要對正體中文抱殘守缺,我只是覺得殘體字根本是多此一舉,因為 漢字應該全部取消,改為拼音文字.當然,這種想法目前還很難為大部份的中文使用者所接 受,需要一點時間去推廣才行.不過呢,殘體字本身算是另類的延長了漢字的使用壽命,而 它的過度簡化也讓漢字原有的規律都被破壞了,讓我看了很不舒服,所以我就沒興趣使用了 .


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May 13 2010

2 Tag 905, 01:45 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

Pour penser à l'avenir du Canada est un travail difficile de l'esprit. Allons-nous pour lutter contre la France? Non, je devrais poser cette question: la France serait en paix avec nous? Je ne savais pas. Si tout citoyen français lire cet article, s'

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May 12 2010

0 Tag 904, 04:50 Veröffentlicht in Canada Canada

The war with France is continuing.

It is no more news today.

La guerre avec la France se poursuit.

Il n'y a plus de nouvelles d'aujourd'hui.



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