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5 Tag 655, 07:19 Veröffentlicht in Greece Greece

I have made General!

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PEACE could help Greece!

48 Tag 639, 21:07 Veröffentlicht in Greece Greece

I fear this article shall loose me 50 plus friends... *sigh* Oh well... On with the show!

There are reasons of why PEACE can help Greece. It could benefit us, or blow up in our faces...


One reason, and

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New Countries

17 Tag 637, 09:08 Veröffentlicht in Greece Greece

I think we should have 5 new countries...

1.) Morocco.

2.) Egypt.

3.) Saudi Arabia/Ethiopia.

4.) Cameroon/Botswana.

5.) Panama.

I think that we need to add more countries in Africa, the Arabian Peninsula, and Central America.

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Send it on

11 Tag 636, 14:48 Veröffentlicht in Greece Greece

I was watching Disney Channel yesterday (Don't judge me.) and I heard two special little parts of a song called, Send it on.

The two parts that caught my eye, well really ear was "One little action starts a chain reaction." and "Just one spark

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Changing of eReligon...

20 Tag 631, 17:16 Veröffentlicht in Greece Greece

The admin has saddened me, which is never supposed to happen. I have decided to leave the faith of adminism behind, and now am open...

This is a sad day for Jeremy. I am sorry admin...

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