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The first private eNewspaper to reach 1000 editions

The first member of the THOUSAND club soon to be eJOINED by Friday the 13TH News of NO Carrier

Oh its a clover

3 Tag 2,471, 07:01 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

This is how the MOC department looks from a distance:

and this is how it looks up close


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Let the Blood Flow

20 Tag 2,469, 10:48 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Kriegsanalyse Kriegsanalyse

Background music

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Assessment of all CP candidates

36 Tag 2,468, 16:25 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Politische Debatten und Analysen Politische Debatten und Analysen

I am finished with the missions except the stay in a party bit so you dont need to comment if you dont want to.

Nyx made me think about this. Her campaign article was a bit too much like old campaign articles. I can still remember the first

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Krakken Winning idea to ehelp eRepublik

48 Tag 2,467, 07:07 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

Trees and plants. On the profile players will be able to create a garden where people can wander and meet them.

Ok lets go through some plants we can place here:

Duranta Gold


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Chookoo chook chook Comment Train

31 Tag 2,467, 05:34 Veröffentlicht in Ireland Ireland Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung Gesellschaftliches Zusammenspiel und Unterhaltung

How this game work is : You place your comment here with a link to your article others have to comment on.

Afterwards you follow 1 link and then another and then another ad infinitum

If you hit a deleted article your run is over. If you hit

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