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An Official Newspaper of the eAustralian Government

Australia has Prevailed

71 Tag 1,129, 08:00 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

Australia has Prevailed.


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My Fellow Thorns

8 Tag 1,129, 04:51 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

My fellow eAustralians,

The day we throw off the oppressive regime of eIndonesia and burn down their remaining hopes and dreams to visit the Bunny’s resorts, has dawned. As the sun rises in the east eAmerican choppers were gunning down the bots

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The Day has Arrived!

47 Tag 1,128, 15:59 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

Many times over the past week I have considered how exactly to do this article, which words will be the right mix to create the inspiration needed on this, the most important day in eAustralia’s history. I realize now, there is none. Many of you,

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The Dropbears Return.

40 Tag 1,124, 22:34 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

A signal appears in all the major cities of occupied eAustralia

The Dropbears are coming home. All ADF personnel report in immediately for instructions.


By order

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Cottuseth hath returneth

31 Tag 1,123, 18:53 Veröffentlicht in Australia Australia

Possibly the most awesome newspaper in eRepublik not to have gotten an Media Mogul medal! Yes, that's an obvious hint, motherf*ckers.

It's been a long … mehr »