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De drager van de eNederlandse cultuur | The carrier of eDutch culture

I can go... with the gold flow

8 Tag 817, 03:25 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

Hi there!

Again an article of the Ministry of Raws! That's two in one month.. must be shocking!
We want to keep you informed on how we work and about the way we try to contributed to cutting the losses. Feel free to leave comments or even

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Times are changing

6 Tag 806, 13:16 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

A first small article by the new minister of Raws.

At first I would like to thank Garmr my predecessor and teacher for this function. He did a great job and put allot of effort into the eUNL society this way. He worked for months at Raws

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Possible questions about the Raws Ministry

4 Tag 694, 11:50 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands


On the forum of the UNL, some people have asked questions about my ministry
(here). I fully support the fact that you guys have all the rights to know and to ask, so I'd like to tell you (if you havn'

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New Ministry of Raws

3 Tag 685, 12:24 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands


I've been appointed as Minister of Raws for the eUNL. Pleas mail me, Theneka (http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1676754) with WICH recorces you want to buy, and for how much gold. Send the gold to the Ministerie van Grondstoffen

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[INFO]Ministry of Raws

14 Tag 671, 05:24 Veröffentlicht in Netherlands Netherlands

First i want to say sorry to everyone who asked the ministry for raw materials and didn't get them. The former minister wasn't really active. At the moment i am the interim minister of raws and as many know i am really experienced in donating raws😉

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