Hintergrund an/aus

Heiliges Reich Official Imperial Declaration. Orders for Battle.

13 Tag 797, 15:11 Veröffentlicht in Germany Germany

Meine lieben deutschen Volkes:

To all peasants, craftsmen and burgers:

The Heiliges Reich is the future. It is the duty of every loyal man to contribute to the Greatness and Glory of the Empire. You may have … mehr »

Capuccino cremoso!!

12 Tag 797, 08:21 Veröffentlicht in Italy Italy


Remember us???

Hello Boys! We're back!!


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¿Donde está el BOI cuando se le necesita?

17 Tag 794, 08:12 Veröffentlicht in Spain Spain

Los franceses no tienen ni para dar de comer a sus polluelos.

Los rusos nos ignoran y se han ido a jugar con los polacos.

Griegos y turcos han cerrado por vacaciones.

Los suecos se entretienen con los britanicos.

Indonesia se ha ido de

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Right, I can't stand this lameness anymore

7 Tag 792, 12:44 Veröffentlicht in United Kingdom United Kingdom

By reading many articles on the UK media, I've come to the conclusion that you're a bunch a silly english Kiinnnnnighiits with silly knee-bent advancing behaviour.

So I, a Spaniard, your enemy, and for the sake of enlightenment, have decided to

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14 Tag 792, 10:56 Veröffentlicht in Russia Russia

We loved you when you were giving us free training wars in France. But we don't like you anymore. We're angry with you. We will do our best to wreak havoc and destruction from Kaliningrad to Far Eastern Russia!.


Because you have

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