Hintergrund an/aus

Because I can

11 Tag 1,160, 16:52 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Oh wait, this is completely kosher to share. Played some Baseball last night and it came up. Figured on doing something philanthropic. Cute, subtle, playful, and well you would assume asian but you cannot tell can you. Ha.


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They Sent me to Texas

7 Tag 1,159, 06:39 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

So I'm in Texas running for Congress. I'll keep this brief. Better things for you to do. If you're in Texas, or if you just like me that much, feel free to vote on my behalf on the 25th. I have five previous successful terms under my belt and I

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Feeling Nostalgic

22 Tag 1,110, 19:07 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

It is not my place to dictate policy or conduct foreign affairs. Is it my place to legislate every now and then, converse legal matters which are more a matter … mehr »


6 Tag 1,101, 05:10 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

First- Happy Turkey day,

Second- I am now a full fledged 2nd LT

Thirdly, I am running in MARYLAND under the USWP. So if you have US citizenship and nothing else to do today be a good wingman and assist me in entering Mary's Land. I have a

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15 Tag 1,095, 04:36 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Dear Utah,

The time has come. The wheels are in motion. By Air, By Sea, and of course Underground.


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