Hintergrund an/aus

Inner beauty? Or too much eyeliner?

4 Tag 719, 21:27 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

One characteristic of online games, is their flexibility and evolving nature. If they cannot evolve as true in real life entities; they tend to die.

This is something I have experienced in other games as well as here in eRep. In some instances

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Well, that was an interesting day.

2 Tag 713, 16:01 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Dear eRep,

Croatia was successfully defended from three different sleazy men today, you went to ladies night again didn't you? Alaska became the victim of a cheap pick up line from Russia, realizing their mistake they quickly called Canada to

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May as well, eh?

7 Tag 710, 20:57 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Dear eRep,

I have no better forum for game related questions. So maybe I can make up for posting my previous article at 4pm and only getting about 4 minutes on the 'most recent' listing.


High resource regions, they make

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Wait... thats the eRep map?

6 Tag 710, 13:06 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Dear eRep,

The past days events have been quite interesting. Canada and America are complete.
This is something I've not experienced before. And now Australia as well. Propaganda in its best forms in newspapers, comments, and citizen ads

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What Sleeve Reads!

14 Tag 706, 21:37 Veröffentlicht in USA USA

Dear eRep,

eRepublic newspapers come in all sorts. They are written by eRep Icons, ex Presidents, statisticians, economists, newbies who could have spent their two gold drastically more prudent, and myself; a self proclaimed novice.

They can

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