Weapons of Mass Distraction

Day 1,790, 11:11 Published in USA USA by Azazel Romanov

As you may or may not know, I was editor for today’s WHPR on Party Elections. In addition to editing the work of other new players who contributed to this article, I myself wrote an op-ed about my thoughts on the party elections. This was quickly dismissed as state propaganda by AFA leadership and that I was proof that the government elite cannot tolerate opposition. I feel it is my duty as an independent thinker and writer to challenge that assumption.

I was accused of writing state propaganda. Custer approached me Friday night about editing a Sunday edition of the WHPR for the party elections tomorrow. Other than giving me the article format and telling me the theme, I was given almost full control of the paper’s material that day. Other than the contribution of fingerguns for a short segment, the paper was written by newer players who are not members of the eUS government. They are writers, and they write well. My op-ed was my own thoughts, my own writing, and my own editing. Ichabod was given an assignment to research and he wrote a piece with the evidence he found, with his own words. Hale26 wrote a piece about the ongoing war with FYROM, which is a concern to all players, not just our government. I apologize our skill was mistaken for elitism, which actually brings us to the next charge.

I was accused being a member of the government elite. Look at my background. I’m a young player, not even at a month old yet. You can accuse me of naiveté, you can accuse me of ignorance, but you cannot accuse me of wielding a large amount of government influence. Given my age and length of party membership, I’m not even running for congress yet. I apologize if I gave AFA the impression I had so much power, but I am confused why they are attacking new players as government elite nowadays. And if you think this government isn't inclusive or open to new people getting involved, just look at me. I’m a new player and I’m already contributing to and editing editions of the WHPR. For a government that doesn't like change they sure do like new player inclusion. Sorry for having a way with words.

Meanwhile, AFA champions freedom and liberty while discrediting their own followers’ right to contribute. For a party that HATES the idea of unity elections, they sure like doing it themselves. They like to disassociate themselves from rogue proposals with one hand while they vote yes with the other. I'll reiterate what I said in my op-ed today: This is inexcusable, and while AFA leadership is quick to criticize this government, they readily make excuses and narratives for their own actions. Those who can't defend their own actions can only attack others and play the victim.

Don’t be fooled, and know what is right.

Again, look forward to hearing from me in upcoming editions of the WHPR.