[AFA] Something Worth Fighting For.

Day 1,790, 00:01 Published in USA USA by PappasXXV

Hello AFA,

Our Party is at a crossroads in these upcoming Party Presidential elections. With Hanibal LA being touted as the "Official" candidate, a full force PTO is imminent. Quite frankly, I do not feel that supporting Hanibal LA was the right decision in the first place and I certainly don't feel like the process by which he was chosen was fair. Our party is at risk, but that does not mean that we should have thrown away the right of the people to choose that makes America so great. The party lacks organization and that will be its downfall.

This is the very reason why I am announcing my candidacy for Party President of the American Freedom Alliance. Like........NOW.


Well first off, I think I'll start with why Hanibal LA is not the correct candidate to lead our great party.

1. Hanibal, to put it quite simply, is not built to be a leader in this game.
I'll recognize that he has a strong media presence in this country as well as internationally, sure, but I have yet to see any actions that have proved to me that he is ready to lead a Top 5 party. You can write as much as you want, but as long as nothing comes of it, this has to be set aside.

2. He has no foresight or selflessness.
As long as I've been in this Party, which is just about the entire time the AFA has been around, all I have seen is Hanibal. He is only looking out for himself and the power that he hopes to gain, even going as far as denouncing the actions of Ronald Gipper Reagan publicly. RGR is the face of our party, and although he did not notice it this way, Hanibal is...

3. Straying from the base ideals of our Party.
The enemy of our Party is the secretive “power elites” that sit atop their thrones over this country. By disapproving of RGR's actions, Hanibal is attempting to both gain favor with this group and to replace it with a new group of elites headed by himself. The fact that he singlehandedly became the “Official” PP candidate without even a single public discussion or vote of any kind just adds even more suspicion to his motives.

We do not show weakness, we do not apologize for the actions of our brethren. We must remain vigilant in the face of the enemy while still remaining transparent ourselves.


Now onto why I, Pap25pas, am the right choice to lead this party.

1. I am ready to organize this Party so that it can function effectively in the competitive politics that surround the eUSA.
Streamlining citizenship approvals to grow our party, a larger awareness and consistency on IRC, media blitzes to raise support and voting power for our Party, as well as the creation and maintenance of a large Party Forum are all plans that I have in mind to place the American Freedom Alliance at the forefront of this nation. The power lies within our members, so it is the leadership's responsibility to make sure that they get involved and are aware of what is going on around them.

2. I am a connection between the large foreign support within our Party and the apprehensive Americans that lie outside of it.
As a real life American, I am fully aware of what makes people tick within this nation. I can use this to my advantage quite easily, seeing issues and making the choices that benefit both groups mutually. I can also overcome the language barrier issue that keeps so many people foolishly mocking our ranks and from seeing the truth of our mission.

3. A PTO will be ineffective against me.
Plain and simple, I do not burn bridges for times such as this. I have many friends on the other side of the line who would be quite reluctant to vote against me in favor of an unknown elite-supported candidate. As I have also avoided making an ass of myself in front of the whole nation, I will be able to show what our Party is really about and what our aims are in a more reasonable and understandable manner. I will appeal to the common eAmerican.


Now I've shown my arguments against my opponent and in favor of myself. So it’s up to you to decide now. Vote for the guy who lost to and congratulated Pfeiffer on his presidency, or the guy who has the plan.

Vote Pap25pas for Party President on October 15th for a stronger AFA.

Yours truly,

Remember to vote and Shout!
[AFA] Something Worth Fighting For.
Not The Official Candidate, Pap25pas is The Other Guy.