War Gold

Day 407, 18:42 Published in Russia Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

As pointed out by Botherme, in his article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/admin-where-are-our-456-47-gold--716365/1

The Admins owe us 457 or.. 467 gold. Whatever. Also, I would like to ask if these Romanians are actually paying for extra storage package. I doubt it. All russians are asked to conserve your ammo on moscova and fight only without your weapons. Any russians in Volga - Vyatka please report to W. Siberia. You will contact me directly, or Creos, Edward, and Smirnoff.

Thanks everybody.

Final note: Anybody who wants a story published, simply PM me, if it's in shit English I'll edit. Doing this for FREE!