Admin, where are our 456.47 gold? (Never mind this article!)

Day 407, 18:10 Published in Russia Sweden by BotherMe

In a resistance war not really started by us, but by imperialist romanian scum who wanted to get access to our oil reserves in Siberia, "Russia" liberated Northern Region. This is absolutely nothing that we wanted, and I'd be the happiest guy in Russia if admin gave it back to Norway. There was, however, one good thing about the liberation of NR. It gave us well-needed money. At least, it should have given us well-needed money.

After the liberation of the province, the game said that Russia had obtained gold from Norway. 456.47 gold to be specific. This money is desperatly needed for the independence of Russia. With it, we could afford a Quality 5 Defence Structure, which would raise the wall in our region by 50 % before the romanian onslaught.

I don't mean to accuse you of anything, but it is kinda fishy how the admins are romanian with us not getting any of our gold. I want you to prove to us, and the erepublik society, that you're not giving special treatment to your nation. And by that, I mean now. Time is running out for us Russians.

Please vote for this article if you want justice.

(And oh, somebody please translate this into russian)
