To The Challenge

Day 1,165, 20:13 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish William Wallace

My brothers and sisters, eIreland has always been in a struggle. This internal struggle has plagued eIreland since existence. Not only has it plagued society but the politics in it! This internal struggle in which we all need to overcome can only be achieved through unity. This unity lacks in eIreland and only exist among a small elite, who have a distorted unity.

As an eIrish citizen and congress member, it is my duty to speak for the people. It is my duty to also look out for the people and serve them to the best of my potential. I would be failing this if I did not attack the social structure, the flawed structure, of eIreland. There seems to be less than 25 people who actually participate in-game and off-game, I mean socially and politically. Most of eIreland's population MUST be a bunch of two-clickers. I enjoy our society and all of its feuds.

BUT someone needs to put their foot down and create something new. What is new to eIreland except a government position? The ability and action of creating is empowering not only one's self but of the whole community. Destruction is a form of creation, the destroyer is the creator of new values. I seek out to those who wish differently, to those who still dream...

Who, in all of eIreland, still dreams? As I know this is a game, it is were I can fulfill the things I cannot do in real life. Why not go out on a limb and try the radical? The state will always exist, game mechanics can assure that. If you seek what I seek, if you stand where I stand, and if you bleed as I bleed than join me my brother. We can create this New World the way we want to, the way I want to, the way you want to. Only you have the power to excel, we enable your rise to power. Play us right and you'll be given the chance to fulfill your dream. I am for those who dream, not those who leech themselves onto old ideas and say "if it ain't broken, leave it be". I am for the one's who seek progression to the highest state of development! The one's who keep trying, the one's who say "this works like a charm, let's make it better!"

So I speak to you, my comrades, about the Irish Workers Party. The Irish Workers Party seems to be the only radical left-wing party in eIreland and thus my allegiance goes to them! We are a small group, but we hope to expand. I seek to better the party, the country, and the world. I hope everyone dreams as I dream, or dream of something better! Become active, voice your opinion, and do not be afraid of the insults. Hail Ireland.

From your dreamer,