Open Minded Germany V2

Day 666, 06:11 Published in Germany Germany by Open Minded Germany HQ

Greetings fellow OMG members, eGermany and international readers.

This is the first publication of the Open Minded Germany’s Newspaper the Open Minded Tribune. It is with great pleasure to announce that our great party now has an official org and newspaper. Please vote and subscribe to this newspaper and keep up to date on the events and issues our party is dealing with. Also please add the Open Minded Germany HQ to your friends list so you can hear the most up to date shouts.

Despite the election only having one candidate, I do thank you for your support. While the other parties are loud and active in the eGerman media, I am glad that 63 of us do have a voice and that the OMG is not just a bunch of inactive 2 clickers. OMG V2 will make play a major role in eGerman politics. It is only fair for the largest party to play a greater role. OMG has so much potential to do good for eGermany, lets not us squander it with inactivity and apathy.

I will try to make this party a truly bilingual community. If my German is able, I would write this articles in both English and German; sadly, it is not. So, if any member wants to help with translating articles and/ or forum discussions etc, please let me know. No one should be ignored due to language. I will do my best to accommodate all members.

My first action.

Since this is my first time being a party president, I named MortenLond to be my advisor/ vice president of the party. He is really experienced in managing parties as he was the president of the NBU for many months. His loyalty to eGermany in the past and present is well known and respected and I will value his advice and aid. I look forward in working with you in the days to come.

So the OMG…

We are a party that refuses to deal with the political spectrum. Left or right really means nothing to us since we are all eGermans with a common interest, the well being of eGermany. If it is a good idea, we will embrace it; so regardless of your politics (left, right or center), we welcome all peoples to join the OMG and be active in it. As our party’s name suggest, we are Open Minded to all schools of thoughts and traditions and no one will be neglected or ignored due to their ideals.

This party is all about discussion. Since our ideals are base on many different ideals and traditions, we need active citizens to be active in the eGerman forums and the IRC. To join the OMG forum, please make an account at and under usergroup select OMG. Since the eGerman forum was moved, if you have an old account, you still need to rejoin the OMG group. I hope we will engage in many discussions in the forums and I look forward to get to know you and work with you in the coming days.

Also, while at current, I am your party president, I do not own the party. This is YOUR party. You own it. I just help run the place. So please, take ownership to your party. Make it like home and never hesitate to speak your mind and have your voice heard. We must show to eGermany and the world that eGerman politics is not just the left fighting the right, NO! A united party that transcends the political spectrum does have a voice and opinion in the greater picture.

So join us fellow eGermans since we are eGermans united with one purpose, a better eGermany and united eGermany. No partisanship for the sake of being partisan. We look forward in working with other parties for a better eGermany. We are Open Minded and voice of non-partisan discussion in eGermany.

Don't forget to vote, subscribe, join the forums, and add this org to your friends list.

Thank you very much and good luck.

Konrad Neumann
Vice MoFA of eGermany
Ambassador to eUK
Congressman of Brandenburg and Berlin.


New players, please refer to the following links as they might make your experience easier and more entertaining.

New Player Guide

The Der Bundesanzeiger newspaper is from the Bundeskanzleramt which the president writes in.

The Wehrverwaltung newspaper is from the Bundeswehr and this is the place where you get military orders, and military information.

The BMI Report newspaper is from the Bundesministerium des Inneren and they write a lot about what is happening in the country and what congress is doing.

The Bundesbank News from the Bundesbank discusses all things financial.