Memorandum #007

Day 4,280, 13:37 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Last Episode : Memorandum #006
Our Discord :

Subject: Grand Summit in Prague

We’d risen early. J.P had woken me up from a terrifying nightmare. We were just on the outskirts of Prague proper. Flinch, the madman, had stolen a munitions truck and we managed to escape Zagreb in the dead of night by simply speeding past whatever patrols lay in our way. Now we were parked up and hiding out in the shade of a bombed out barn. Muis and Ladybird were cleaning their rifles with Veritas Unit and our “hostage” Artjom from the Estonian Rebel outfit, E.L.F. We’d all grown fond of the guy. He was a bit of a goofball but he was harmless and never once complained despite the raw conditions he’d to endure living on the run with us. “Here Prof, eat this. It’s not much but we’re leaving soon.” J.P handed me a ration bar that we’d been saving. I ate it slowly, despite the taste then downed a couple of 4’s. “Any water!?” Black Hound didn’t look up as he threw his water canister from about ten feet away straight into the truck. Sometimes he did things with almost creepy accuracy.

The water was lukewarm but I didn’t care. This heat was almost unbearable and had been for weeks now. “Don’t drink it all Ratel, we’ve still got a few miles to go before we reach the blacksite and we can’t take the truck.” Black Hound said without looking up from cleaning his prized “Fighting 69th” handgun. I jumped out to stretch as I felt the 4’s begin to kick in. “Oh, it’s a blacksite now? Sounds very clandestine, you sure your not gonna get us all murked Artjom?” Artjom just grinned. “You’re not going chicken on me now Ratel, are you?” The others laughed along with him, that cheeky mannetjie. Once our equipment was fully cleaned we ransacked the gloomy, abandoned farmhouse for clothes. We all managed to find enough to look halfway presentable as Civ’s. Muis and Flinch argued over a pale green gansey but J.P and Gad split them up quick before they took it overboard. We all looked pretty stupid but Ladybird had really drawn the shortest straw. She had a big, flowing traditional looking dress on and a look of pure murder in her eyes. No one dared to tease her about it.

“Right so, here it goes. Anyone know any Czech by any chance?” asked Black Hound as we gathered outside the creepy old house in our Civ farmer disguises. No one answered. “Nevermind. Let’s just get this done. We hear them out, then we leave. Simple as that. If this all goes belly up, this place is our rendez-vous. Keep your guns hidden and only take them out if it’s absolutely necessary. Understood?” I said quietly, standing next to Black Hound. We’d been stuck with each other for so long now, our dual command felt natural. “Right, let’s go.” said Black Hound. I let the others file out, led by Black Hound. I stayed behind a bit longer, looking at the old country house with it’s dead black windows. The dream I had that morning still had me on edge although I couldn’t remember any details. The house stared back with it’s empty eyes. A breeze picked up and swayed the surrounding trees. I could have sworn I heard a scream, far off in the distance. “Come on Prof, we gotta go.” said Muis, who’d jogged back to check on me. I spotted a fox standing near the corner of the farmhouse. I took my glasses off and rubbed my eyes. Quick as it appeared, it was gone. I pretended to make sure the truck was covered. “You okay big man?” Maybe it was the 4’s catching up on me or sleep deprivation. I felt a gut wrenching feeling of dread. “Sorry Muis, I’m a million miles away mate. C’mon, let’s go.”

Prague, Northern Bohemia, Czech Republic
Day 4,280, eRT 09.36

Artjom led us through Prague's winding back alleys. As we rushed further into the city, Civs rushed past us in the opposite direction. The city was loud with gunfire and recon planes soared ominously overhead in the blazingly hot summer sky. Polish and Czech M.U’s were all in a hurry about something so no one was really paying attention to us. Artjom led us into a big empty Church and we stopped at an old stone spiraling staircase, hidden behind the altar. He took out a proto-type Comm-Link from his rucksack and began talking quietly in Estonian into the receiver. None of us questioned what was happening. Maybe it was the scale and grandeur of the Church or perhaps it was some old, ingrained feelings of sanctity but whatever it was it held us all to a strict silence. To be honest, I was kind of excited. Veritas seemed pensive however. I could see Black Hound rub his faintly stubbled chin. He only ever did that when he was nervous. It’s easy to forget how young he is sometimes.

Soon the receiver was crackling back with short bursts of static. Artjom frowned. “What is it?” asked Gad, hunkering down beside Artjom. “We’re late. Everyone has already arrived. Is everyone ready?” asked Artjom, staring up with a slight smile. My excitement turned suddenly into dread. The same dread I’d felt at the farmhouse. Veritas were already descending down the stairs before I could say anything. “You alright Prof?” asked J.P, placing a hand on my shoulder. I felt sick, I must have looked pale. “Nah yeah, of course. Lead the way Artjom.” I let the others go ahead. I wiped my glasses clean and steadied my breathing before heading down the narrow, winding stairs into the cool darkness below.

The cellar was long and dark, lit by candles and field torches. It was full to the brim with soldiers from E.L.F, various lone agents and of course Rasa Blank. They stood opposite the long, makeshift table. There was a brief hush as we entered. “Welcome to our summit, Chance and Veritas Unit. Thank you for coming.” said Major Sepp, his arms outstretched. Even in through the murk I could see the Rasa soldiers glaring at us. The contempt was mutual. “Seán! Get away from those men now!” a voice roared out. It was Padraig Murphy or Ghost as he was known, the Black Hounds half brother. He was livid at the sight of Black Hound on our side. “Seán! Come here now!” I saw Black Hounds face wince in anguish. He looked to the ground. I’d never seen him look so dejected. He’d never really talked about his brother and yet he came here anyway, knowing he’d be there. I could feel my blood boil. “F*ck off Rasa boy, you’ll address him by his earned name!” I roared back, pushing the table towards him. I could see him reaching behind his back but before I could react, a small, wiry woman stepped forward and soon Ghost’s eyes were lit with pain. “It’s okay Seán, stay where you are.” I recognised her. The female O’Malley, Claire. Her twin brothers pulled Ghost back as he cradled his seemingly broken wrist.

“We don’t have time for this! What do you want from us Sepp? This better be important.” said a woman with wild black hair and a heavy Russian accent. She must have been the infamous Raven. She had Dr. Andrews and another smaller guy with glasses and a neat little mustache standing behind her. Dr. Andrews did not look pleased to see me at all, but I suppose who could blame him? At least his face had healed well enough since our last encounter. “I’ve gathered you all here today so we may fight our common enemy, Goshawk.” said Major Sepp with a false air of authority. “No sh*t, why have us meet here? Do you mean to recruit us into your little army?” said Raven with a sly, mocking tone to her sultry voice. “Captain Petrov has seized control of Goshawk. Now without Commander Fogarthy’s guidance he’s running their operations into the ground. If we can set aside our differences, combine our forces, we can seize this opportunity to crush them.” said Major Sepp. He looked around the room, searching desperately for a response. “This could be our only chance.”

“There’s too many of them. Even if Petrov is an awful commander, they outnumber us, they’re better equipped and as far as I’m aware, you’ve just invited two of their most elite Special Ops units to this little party. I wish you luck Major, but we have to get going.” The Russian agent turned to leave with Andrews and the small, bespectacled guy. Claire O’Malley, small as she was, was absolutely magnetic. “Not so fast Raven, you lead us to this place. I want to hear what else the Major has to say. You can leave when he’s done.” Not even the enigmatic Raven could deny her. She stopped in her tracks, as did her crew. “Very well.” Raven sighed, rolling her stark white-blue eyes.

Major Sepp spread a large schematic out on the table. It was floor plan of the main Goshawk H.Q. “We’ve a small squad ready to rush the base once Petrov goes on one of his tours. We only have a small window of opportunity but if we strike together at just the right time we can take his main base and maybe draw him into a siege. I don’t think his ego could take-” Black Hound stepped forward and pulled the schematic off the table. He held it out in front of him and tore it in half. “They won’t let him do that Sepp.” There was a cold silence. “It’s exactly what they’d expect us to do.” Black Hounds eyes were almost vacant. “Who are you talking about Seán?” asked Claire gingerly. “It’s was something Commander Mac Allistar said. After we totalled your base. Before I killed him. Something called the Academy runs Goshawk. It’s why he had you all leave and it’s why we were sent in to clean up. I didn’t know any better at the time.”

“Oh yeah!? Why should we believe you!?” barked his half brother Padraig. “Traitor!” Both of the O’Malley brothers held him back. Seán leaned against the table, cradling his brow. “Why would a man who was facing death lie about something like that?” he replied evenly, giving him a weary, almost bored look. “What could he possibly have to gain?” Ghost soon dropped his hard man act. He was beginning to see Black Hound for the soldier he’d become and not the boy he’d lost. “Mac Allistar warned me that Fogarthy would be next. He got that right too. My best guess is Petrov is just their wild card. Going straight after him would be suicide.” Seán began to strut around the table towards Rasa Blank. He began to gesture towards everyone assembled in his cocky, Black Hound way. “Say we all join together and we take out our common enemy Petrov like you suggest Major. What then?” The mad bliksem was walking around the table like a Generaal. When he circled back ‘round to us he leaned on the table, knuckles down and wild eyed.

“Well with the right strategy I think we could-” Sepp was cut off by Seán placing a finger over his lips. I thought Seán was losing his mind until I could hear it too. Gunfire just above us. “Is there another way out of here Sepp?” asked Raven. Suddenly everyone was on full alert. We armed ourselves quickly. “Yes, of course. There's two ways back there, both lead to street level. Move out!” We broke off into different groups in the sudden chaos. I ended up with Claire O’Malley and one of her brothers, Liam or as we knew him, Blind Fox. I could barely make out Seán in the dark. He was leading a large group to the right as we rushed off to the left. I managed to blurt out in haste, “Rendez-vous!” and I could hear the echo of “Copy that!” reverberate through the tunnels.

We came to a ladder and I climbed up first. The man hole had rusted shut so it took all my strength to open it. I pulled up Claire and then Liam. We found cover behind an old beaten up Civ car. We waited, hunkered down. It was eerily silent. “Have either of you got Comm-Link?” I whispered. Both of them shook their heads in the negative. “Right, I’m going to cross that street, I’ll make a fist for the all clear.” I was about to stand up when I felt a hand pull me down. It was Liam. “No, it’s too risky. Too much distance. I’ll check the corner of that Café. You back me up.” I nodded and I let him stalk ahead of me. He looked around the corner then gestured for me to follow. Claire had our six.

“They must have passed us by... strange,” said Liam walking out into the sunlit courtyard. A small flock of pigeons burst into the air as a sharp, distinct pop burst through the air. Liam was down clutching his stomach. Dark red blood poured over his shaking fingers. Claire screamed in utter horror. It was nearly impossible to wrestle her away from him. I kept repeating, “Don’t worry” and “We’ll save him.” I knew he was sniper bait though. There was nothing we could do. I could see him reaching towards the sky, bathed in golden light as I pulled Claire back away to safety. That image will never leave me, I’d already dreamt it. It had been burned into my brain.

Signing off,

Professor Johannes Hannes “Ratel” le Roux, Chance Unit