Indonesia Doesnt Love Serbia?

Day 1,027, 15:53 Published in Serbia USA by Joe Newton
Dear Serbia,

I've noticed an unfairness. Hypocrisy really. Remember all those times Indonesia demanded that they should swap through Japan to attack Hawaii? Japan then immediately obliged because they were under no threat whatsoever. Japan wasn't even a member of PEACE at the time, and yet Indonesia demanded unlimited obedience. And they got it.

And what about you Serbia? Even though I am your enemy in an online game, this unreasonable treatment of an ally makes me upset. Sick to my stomach really. I'd say it should be expected because of the history of Phoenix/PEACE. (i.e. the occupation of a certain Soviet Ally.) What I mean is this.

But Serbia, you've been so gracious to your allies. Remember when you let Bulgaria, which at the moment has no significance in the game whatsoever, swap through your home regions for a minor fee. If you do that for the most minor ally, why shouldn't the great Virgin Indonesia give herself to you? It should be an honor for you to be Indonesia's first. What is this nonsense of them not wanting to have any of their home regions be under anyone else's control? Not even for their great friend and ally Serbia?

RL has no place in this game. One of the things I hear about Serbia is that you all know this point well. Your ally also knows this well, as has been evident in their history as an empire. Why are they denying you a simple thing? You could have titanium in Australia if it wasn't for Indonesia's fear of...helping an ally?

I'm perplexed. It seems Phoenix is having big issues from it's usually so gracious giants. If you haven't heard, Hungary PTO'd South Africa. It was a great success for you guys. But Brazil decided to attack it for high iron titanium. Brazil isn't respecting Hungary's authority. Phoenix is breaking. Crumbling. Tearing in on itself. And at a horrible time. Poland is watching your favorite region. You can't save it, Serbia, but you can save yourself. How? You have only 1 option.

Re-create Phoenix.


You can get rid of that hypocritical Indonesia, who clearly doesn't care for you anymore now that Ostin is gone. You can also get rid of Brazil, who is being annoying.

You can cuddle up closer to Hungary, who has been loyal.

You wouldn't have to hate all of EDEN, you could make friends with some of them. That would allow you to help in the invasions of the United Kingdom. You know you want that.

You can restore the communication lines, and be stronger in the end.


Leaving tradition.

You can ride this off as typical American propaganda, filled with cheeseburgers, or you can take my advise to heart. I hate to good friendships break up.

Thanks to this paper.