Fed PP, Federalism I, Economy

Day 691, 09:11 Published in USA USA by citizenslave
Federalist Party President Primary Closed
Federalism at the National Level
Economic Dulldrums
Tax Fights
Win a Q2 House: Fed Grab Bags
Also in the News
Federalist Party Literature

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Federalist Party President Primary Closed

Following 6 days of nominations and polling beginning immediately after the Country President election victory of Gaius Julius, the only two candidates to accept nominations were Federalist Party Political Director, CrashNBurn and myself. The primary followed the process created last month with a few minor reforms. The primary was promoted to the entire party via the Federalist Outreach Program's team of District Representatives and Precinct Captains in the Daily Dispatch each day it was open and resulted in a turnout of over 15% of current party membership.

Completely accurate scene from the Primary Review Kittymitty.

Turnout for the primary may have been higher if the primary itself were actually contested. According to the Federalist Party Presidential Primary process, two candidates should be selected by the primary to run for election in game. As only two candidates accepted nominations, the primary process proved redundant in this case, though new nominations and vote changes could have been accepted up until the poll closed.

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Federalism at the National Level

The Role of a Party | Mentoring | Congress | Partisanship | Game Mechanics | Balance

This article is part one of a two-part series on how I believe a party should be run. I intend to work with the current leadership of the Federalist Party and the leadership of the other parties to implement this vision should I be elected Party President on the 15th.

The Role of a Party

I have been asked by players new to eRepublik and new to the Federalist Party how the philosophy of 200+ year old 'Real Life' Americans applies to a game like eRepublik. The answer is that the Federalists of eRepublik are attempting to establish a stable government of checks and balances similar to those set up by the original Federalists when they wrote the US Constitution. While a great deal of focus in the study of the Constitution is on the checks and balances between the various branches of government, the largest check and the largest balance is that the Constitution lists enumerated powers.

The enumerated powers listed in the US Constitution have frequently been interpreted loosely to allow the Real US Government to exercise powers it has not specifically been granted. One disadvantage to the resulting national uniformity is that only one model is applied. Should the model applied nationally be faulty, the entire nation suffers as no alternatives had been in operation or in development. Rather than enumerate sufficient power to enforce uniformity, the Federalists constrained the power of the national government. In doing so, they allowed the States comprising the Union to make many of their own decisions for themselves.

The diversity of political parties enables them to try different approaches while cooperating on common interests.

These states then made decisions and either gained or suffered from them. The consequences of the decisions the states reserved for themselves could be plainly seen by other states. Decisions resulting in positive outcomes were replicated and perfected to the benefit of the entire nation. Decisions resulting in negative outcomes were abandoned and states that made different decisions benefitted from the follies of the less fortunates' experiences. In both cases, the entire nation became stronger in a continuous upward arc while its constituent parts competed and adapted to new circumstances.

To think in terms of States' rights even in Real Life is antiquated. The real political subdivisions of power in an increasingly inter-connected Real World as well as in eRepublik are political organizations and political parties. Politicians are not answerable to the regions they were elected from but rather their national party, as the national party's influence outweighs any local presence.

Therefore it is the role of political parties, rather than States or regions, to serve as proving grounds and pilot projects. Parties have the flexibility to try new and untested ways of utilizing the game's mechanics to their greatest potential. The Federalist Party believes that its members have a lot of good ideas, and that other parties' members do too. We should be free to try our ideas while other parties freely try theirs. Should our ideas actually BE better, we'll gain more members and stay more organized. If they aren't, we will stagnate.

Either way the nation will become stronger.


One area where parties should take primary responsibility is in mentoring. National recognition and support of efforts which satisfy the nation's determined interests will help parties to perform this task more effectively, but a national effort solely responsible for mentoring all new players will take the nation with it when it fails or is delayed. While the eUS Mentors Program has been running in some form or another since I first joined eRepublik, it was not a system that reached every new player and was not a system with a process for ensuring mentors were responsive and apolitical in fulfilling their responsibilities.

There needs to be someone for new players to talk to.

The new eUS Mentors Program appears to have resolved a great number of these issues, but it is not yet fully functional. Anyone interested in becoming a mentor should apply here to assist them in fully staffing the program. While the eUS Mentor's Program with all of its improvements is set up, and while the reforms for the National Training Division are being executed, what is happening to our new players? Should they emerge into the new world and fall prey to the narcissistic lies of players seeking only power because the necessary reforms cannot always be done on the move? While national programs are out of commission or understaffed, party and other independent organizations should take these responsibilities upon themselves. Some may not do as well as the national programs. Some may do better.

The Federalist Party currently operates 3 separate new player mentoring tracks. The least interesting of these is the good, old-fashioned Personal Message to new players. While every party has recruiters and sending PMs to new players is nothing new, the Federalist Party Mentors are not directly tasked with recruiting. They are tasked with making contact with new players and offering to answer any questions, offer any assistance, and specifically relocate players to Q5 hospital regions, largely at party expense.

The Federalist Party relies on volunteers and donations freely offered from its members.

We are also operating a Q1 weapons company in Florida staffed with two volunteer Federalist Party members, myself and Federalist Storm Chasers Precinct Captain/Assistant Political Director for International Party Relations, MitchRapp. Thanks to the volunteer spirit of this exceptional Federalist, the Federalist Arms weapons company is able to operate at a very small profit and provide new players with a job. While employed at the company, Federalist Party mentors are tasked to ensure that new players' adjustment to eRepublik goes smoothly and that they are relocated to a Q5 hospital state.

The third mentoring track consists of the newspaper articles and Federalist Training Division course generated by Federalist Party members. In addition to producing and promoting informative and educational articles, the Federalist Training Division walks new citizens through the first 6-7 levels of their new life to make sure that every starting eUS citizen has someone to ask questions of and gets their level 6 gold within a week. After that week, they're prepared to gain Experience Points fighting five times a day where instructed by DoD Orders. FTD trainees are given a Q1 moving ticket to assist them in relocating to a Q5 hospital state and a Q1 weapon for their first fight at level 5.


The responsibilities of mentoring carry over from new citizens to new congresspeople. Too often, congressional debates degrade into repetitive dances around the same points while nothing gets accomplished. This is not the fault of the congresspeople, they are in congress without guidance and without purpose or accountability from the parties that sent them there, other than to create a green man on the party's congressional representation graphic.

Develop quality over quantity.

Rather than trying to add as many congresspeople as quickly as possible to the party roster, a party should recognize the number of seats its size can support and stick with them. Most importantly, a party must be willing to remove congresspeople of their own party from consideration for reelection and replace them with stronger candidates if they are inactive or uncommunicative with their constituents. In order to maintain the integrity of the party's congressional ballot, top 5 parties MUST work with other parties to find either qualified candidates to run in unoccupied races or honest blockers who will not compete for votes.

Rather than try to exert control over congress from the executive branch or some similar top down hierarchy, congresspeople should feel controlled by the parties that elected them. They should regularly report their activities specifically to their party. A mature political party will not sit idly by while their congressperson sticks their neck out alone on some proposal, but will work with the other congressmen from the party and work through their connections with other parties to gain multi-partisan congressional support. By serving their party transparently and well, and by passing proposals important to their party, a congressperson is maintaining the good graces of their constituency.


Partisanship is often maligned. I believe that the problem in the eUS is not a surplus of partisanship, but rather a shortage of it. Rather than having clear goals and red lines that can be worked towards and respected in the spirit of true partisanship, there is a shortage of ability to recognize the common interests that bind us together. Without this recognition or the political strength to exploit it, parties degenerate into groups of title seekers taking turns with their friends. This is inherently unstable and predictibly leads to mindless election wars and unfounded trolling against active and intelligent players in favor of one more flimsy win for the current in crowd.

Trophy vs. Trying

We are supposed to be running a country. Not taking turns preening at how epic it is to have been given a title. Winning elections is easy. Earning legitimacy is hard.

Game Mechanics

Parties must respect game mechanics. In fact though, all of them do. One of the game's mechanics is that in order to close wars, sign MPPs, lead a party, become a country president, or have a vote in congress, you must win elections. Unless you have a team of multis at your disposal, that requires you to respect the opinions and desires of others, or you'll lose elections, allies, wars, and friends. eRepublik is a game and everyone is playing it for their own reasons. It is a party's responsibility to direct the reasons a new citizen wants to play eRepublik into activity that will help the nation. Game mechanics dictate the means, but only the players behind the keyboard can decide the ends. Finding a consensus on those ends requires politics, and it is the responsibility of parties to ensure that those politics do not become so toxic as to destroy the country and the investment that was put into making the party what it is.

You can use game mechanics for good or evil. The choice is a political question.

It is possible to use game mechanics to include more players, and it is also possible to use game mechanics to exclude more players. Inclusion breeds more activity than exclusion, and activity breeds activity. You can use game mechanics to justify teaching players that they should work for free and do what their told, and watch them quit this fundamentally bad game because it's boring. You can also use game mechanics to help new players get more involved in their own decision making. You will need to be an astute politician to form unity of action when people make their own decisions, but thinkers tend to be so much more committed than slaves, don't you think?


Federalism on a national level in eRepublik is about maintaining balance. While an individual congressperson or an individual company manager may go inactive, the party that elected or sponsored them operates on a longer time scale than to just shut down without warning. An established political party with legitimacy and credibility is a more reliable partner and a more stable and confident force on the national scene and becomes a stakeholder in the national project rather than a rent seeker on the fame and G that comes from obtaining titles.

Serve with honor, preserve the legitimacy of the party, maintain a balance.

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Economic Dulldrums

Wages and prices are dropping, as is tax revenue.

Following the recent expulsion of Russia and France from eUS territory and the subsequent eUS and allied victory in Scandanavia, training wars in Saskatchewan have been insufficient to spark demand in an economy only a week ago booming with wartime production. The wartime bubble seems to have burst, but with wages for skill 0 manufacturing jobs at least 0.10usd above the minimum wage, the rapid appreciation of the USD relative to G is stimulating the bottom rungs of the eUS economy. New players are now given the equivalent of 0.147g between the new citizen fee and taxed wages on their first day compared to 0.116g before the war.

The labor market for newborns is still strong.

Many companies already full of products selling at decreasing prices are replacing their higher skilled and higher cost workers with skill 0 newbies to maintain maximum company efficiency without spending to excess on workers and raw materials whose costs can not be recouped in the current market. These may make for challenging times for some more experienced players, but with so many new players currently being so well paid there are lots of opportunities to grow the active population of the eUS through outreach and mentoring of these new employees.

In order to assist with the national effort to offer mentoring services to new players, please fill out a Mentor Application for the eUS Mentors Program. If working for the national program isn't your thing, the Federalist Party operates a very similar program which you can sign up for on the Federalist Party Forums.

Lost? Let me know!

If you happen to BE one of these new players and you haven't yet been contacted by a mentor, please send me a Private Message in game and I'll be happy to help you with anything you need. You are also welcome to register for the next Federalist Training Division class. Over the week long term of your FTD instruction, you will be provided with a moving ticket to relocate to a Q5 hospital region, a Q1 weapon for your first fight, and clear tutorials from responsive FTD commanding officers explaining how to get from newborn to Level 6 in 7 days, and claim the 5g that comes with it!

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Tax Fights

Another symptom of the military stalemate in North America is the return of "spirited" debate in the eUS over the dramatic question of raising the VAT on food from 8% to 12%. The law proposed and the associated debate area on the eUS Forums are a testament to the seriousness and maturity of eUS politics. The unified stance taken by our elected representatives on behalf of the parties and regions they represent is an example to us all.

Rabble! Rabble! RABBLE!

In other news, there's a bunch of resistance wars in Iran. Props to those fighting to free Iran.


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Win a Q2 House: Fed Grab Bags

There used to be 100 grab bags for sale. Now there are less than 60 bags remaining. One of the bags contains a Q2 house. The rest of the bags contain other great prizes listed in the article from the Federalist M&M Update. Has the Q2 house been sold yet? Impossible to know until all 100 bags are sold! Tell your friends! The sooner all 100 bags are sold, the sooner the prizes will be revealed and distributed!

Just buy a bag already. You get stuff.

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Also in the News
New Federalist Party Assistant Political Directors - CrashNBurn
Fighting Guide - Joe DaSmoe
Activity breeding Activity - Joe DaSmoe
The Jewitt Report - Jewitt
Why the Food VAT? - sydiot
Raise Food VAT - Astra Kat G
Hospital Construction Project: Mayhem - Max McFarland 2
One way to sell newspaper subscriptions - Max McFarland 2
Stories of the RL Airborne - LiveFreeOrDie
FAQ regarding AAP PP Run - Emmanuel Cruise
Q&A with One who is Great - Emerick

Follow DoD Orders!

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Federalist Party Literature
Zombie Endorsement - Captain Panther
Federalist Outreach Program Precinct Captains - citizenslave
Running for Congress from Outside Top 5 - citizenslave