A Word from Iasov, Regarding the Libertarians

Day 1,168, 18:03 Published in USA USA by Joe Newton

The following message is from Iasov

On the evening of the 25th as Congressional Elections were in full swing, someone in #USLP mentioned a blocker in a state had gone missing. I knew which blockers were in which states and I knew that this particular player was one of the three girls whom I have recruited to this game and with whom I share a mailing address as well as an Internet Protocol address via a wireless network.

A moment later, it was revealed this player had been banned. Knowing that she mostly only worked and trained each day (usually just before or after reset, due to her RL occupation) and having been told by her before that she seldom spoke to people in-game (except for a Shaun someone-or-other with whom she'd later exchange Facebook information), I knew she couldn't have done anything so horrible to warrant a ban for a first-time offense!

Lo! And Despair. I quickly realized one of my worst fears had come to pass. Despite what the eRepublik Wiki states and despite what the Knowledge Base (FAQ) at the Support Center would lead you to believe, the powers-that-be had seen fit to ban me and my housemates for the usage of multiple accounts. The aforementioned Wiki and FAQ gave me a false sense of security as I believed that using the same IP address would not be a problem. To further detriment, my friends were but blockers for their party and had, at my behest, served other parties in the same role.

Enraged, sleep-deprived, and with several hours left in the Election Day, I just went AWOL. I knew I could appeal. I know that when I do I'll only have to explain my case logically and in detail. I know that the accounts that were banned along with me were, for the most part, grudgingly played by my friends (and a family member). The ban is, to them, somewhat relieving I'm sure as they are now spared my shouting at them from upstairs or from across the house to LOG IN AND WORK. I mean, really, they were going to be using the Internet anyway (with one of *MY* computers, at that) and it doesn't take more than a few moments.... but I digress....

The entire point in this long diatribe is this: The Leadership of the Libertarian Party has been removed not by a coup nor even really by a ban but by a combination of ennui, rage, depression, laziness, and malaise. Fine traits all and overwhelmingly intrinsic of myself. I get over it, as I always do, eventually and after several days completely ignoring the social interactions I am normally involved with through this game, I returned to IRC and to the forums and.... well, now we're at the present time. I will appeal the ban. However, I may also be going out of town for the next day or two for some network configuration jobs. As I am broke, this is a welcome vacation from eRepublik.

Rest assured, the Libertarian Party will weather this tumult. I will not abandon the party I love so. Inevitably, there will come a time when we will begin to falter or fade away. That time is not now! Rod Damon, ever the friend to be perpetually trusted and ALWAYS RIGHT, has taken on the role of Steward in these troubling times and, like Denethor son of Ecthelion, Last Steward of Gondor, he will have to make way for the Return of the King. 😉 😛 xD


Libertarian Party Primary!

The Candidates:

Chickensguys (TheFamily) / Alexander Hamilton (Feds)
Claire Littleton (Libs) / HadrianX (USWP)
Emerick (SEES) / David Landon (Feds)
Haliman (USWP) / Angelini (Feds)
Joe DaSmoe (The Fraternity) / George Griffin (The Fraternity)
Mizu (USWP)

Vote here now!

~~Keep watch for some new articles.~~

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."