[Unity] The Procedures For July PotUS Primary

Day 2,048, 19:36 Published in USA USA by Talostastic
The problems of victory are more agreeable than those of defeat, but they are no less difficult.
- Winston Churchill

Since my last posting, the Party Presidents of the Top 4 Parties have agreed to use the following system.
Federalist Party - Greene12
United States Worker Party - Othere
We The People - Hale26
American Military Party - Dr Luis Sentieiro Acting PP
(I'm told this is to be demonstrated by them posting a comment below the article.)

So, for your viewing pleasure, the Unity procedure that is in place for the CP Elections on July 5th.

1a. For the purposes of this vote "Party" means a Political Party unaffiliated with the PTO, and "Unity Commissioner" means a mutually agreeable representative chosen by consensus of the Party Presidents to conduct and administrate the Unity Primary.
1b. If, for any reason, unanimous consensus cannot be reached for a Unity Commissioner, up to 2 may be selected, so long as each have the vote of at least 40% representative support among Party Presidents.
1c. If there are 2 Unity Commissioners selected, they will work in tandem to tally the votes and verify the process.

2a. For the purposes of this vote the Party memberships as they stand at the close of eRep day 26th of the month will be used and saved (screenshotted/retrieved via Mike Ontry’s collection tool) to ensure those standing under Top 5 parties for Congress can participate in their own Party’s voting by returning to their Party prior to the collection.
2b. To account for Players who have moved to other parties for ATO Purposes, each Party President must submit a list of Players who are still Meta-Game members of their Party.
2c. In order for a Party Member to be deemed eligible to cast a vote in the Primary, they must be a member of the Party where they will participate in the Primary in by the time this information is collected by the Unity Commisioner(s)/Submitted by the Party Presidents.

3a. All Parties (non-PTO) provide a voting preference for their preferred non-PTO declared candidates from those who are in the Primary, marking their 1st and 2nd preferences.
3b. If 3 or more candidates in the Primary run and there is a tie between the Top 2, those who voted for Candidates 3 through X will be allowed to recast their votes for one of the Top 2.
3c. All Parties that wish to participate in subsequent Unity processes and have their voice heard in the Primaries must endorse the victor of the Unity Primary in-game when not prevented by mechanics, and in the meta if they missed the ingame deadline.

4a. All Parties will conduct their respective Primaries by their own internal system.
4b. All Parties must be able to submit a list of the members who have voted, but are not required to show how individual members voted.
4c. In the event that the total number of votes is greater than the number of players who have confirmed they voted, tallied votes will receive a penalty. Example; A 20 to 10 vote (30 ballots cast), but only 28 players on the Voting list, that party’s results will be penalized to 18-8.

5a. All votes are to be submitted to the Unity Commissioner(s) by 00:01 eRep Time on the 1st of the month with the result of the vote being declared on the 2nd by 12:00 eRep Time.
5b. How and when the Primaries are handled is entirely up to the Parties themselves, insofar as the votes are submitted to the Unity Commissioner before 00:01 eRep time on the 1st of the month.
5c. Failure to submit Party’s results in on time may result in being excluded from the current Unity Primary.

6a. At the end of the voting period, the total votes for each Candidate, from each Party are tallied and released by the Unity Commissioner before 12:00 eRep Time on the 2nd of the month.
6b. At this point, Party Presidents may request to review voting totals from other parties, and may raise a request for verification of any specific Party’s Unity primary results.
6c. Refusal to provide the votes total to be verified may exclude the Party’s results from the Unity primary.
6d. The verification process is simple. The Party will submit a list of eAmericans who participated in the current Unity Primary; accounts will be verified to affirm they exist, are within the Party, and are alive/not banned.
6e. All requests for vote verification must be submitted by Party Presidents by 23:59on the 2nd of the month; the Unity Commissioner then has until 18:00 on the 3rd of the month to complete all verification requests.

7. At the end of the verification process, the Candidate with the most votes in the Primary wins the Unity Primary election.

8a. This process becomes null and void when either of following two criteria are met:
8b. All Top 5 Parties are returned to “Friendly” hands.
8c. The PTO threat drops below a 20% CP Vote threshold and 9 Congress Seats.

9a. This agreement can be amended between the 6th and 26th of each month by unanimous consent of the non-PRO Participating Parties.
9b. The process of Unity can be reinstated by a unanimous consensus of the Top 5 Party Presidents should it become prudent.
9c. The process of Unity will be reinstated automatically if the opposite of both conditions described in sections 8b and 8c arise simultaneously as hostile threats by external, foreign political influences.

Vice Party President
We The People