[NE sMoFA] And so the march begins.

Day 2,003, 12:48 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory Theme Music.

Dear Britain,

Recently New Era Party President Sven Goran Duran-Duran published an article regarding the implementation of a shadow cabinet by New Era.

The purpose of the shadow government is quite simple, it has been implemented to offer criticism and to formalize the stance of the party in certain matters of government. For further information about the shadow government, please read Sven Goran's article, or send him a message.

As a result of this, I have despite being a recent member of New Era, and the UK, been selected to be the shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs.

For this I'd like to thank the council in New Era for appointing me.

Under my wings I have MrConway, atWarMadara and Alphabethis.

I will be tutoring them in terms of foreign affairs, and they will assist me in my duties as the sMoFA. As a result, we will all grow within the field of foreign affairs.

CUA was born as a Brotherhood made up of Colombia, Uruguay and Argentina.

It was established as a local group of nations in South America to fight against rivals such as Chile and Brazil. It began showing off great promise and the war was in its favour.

Their leadership was experienced and organised and they were prepared for every battle.

It was not long until an Irish government began to engage in talks with this new Brotherhood, they were openly invited and the Irish government was eager to join. They released strong propaganda and convinced the minds of the people that CUA was their best option and that Ireland must join if it is to become a powerful nation. The people were led on and fed this propaganda and voted in a referendum for Ireland to become a member of the CUA alliance, yet CUA was not an alliance but a Brotherhood, which the other nations in the Brotherhood had made clear.

The defining attribute of this Brotherhood was that the countries involved within it were fighting together for temporarily mutual interests, something which the governments of the original countries seemed to agree on.

Upon Ireland’s acceptance into the Brotherhood, this was however broken. There was no sort of mutual interests between Ireland and the other member states, and it only led to draining damage away from their main theatre, South America.

Taking these two points in mind, that it was a Brotherhood formed for temporary mutual interests, and that Ireland had close to nothing to do with the rest of the Brotherhood in terms of mutual interests, the Brotherhood was doomed to fail. Although not perhaps surprising, as we have stated earlier, it was a temporary pact.

Shortly before the demise of CUA, Argentina and Ireland launched a joint invasion of the UK, where Argentina took most of the UK, and Ireland being granted the remaining regions.

Redemption was swift, and Argentina and Ireland were quickly pushed out, as a result of this we’re currently fighting the Irish over on their isle, with great success.

In the aftermath of this war, Colombia and Argentina stated their intentions to align towards TWO, the alliance the United Kingdom is currently in, leaving their weaker allies, Uruguay and Ireland, behind.

As a result of this, more damage will obviously be directed towards the wars and battles of our allies, however, the ugly feud that has broken out between the United Kingdom and CUA (Mainly Argentina) has seemingly gone unnoticed.

Argentina has been well known to do whatever serves their interests best, not caring much for the interests of others, be their friends or not, and I doubt that will change.

Should we allow people who have not only invaded us, but harassed our peoples, violated our integrity and done everything they can to see our demise align towards us, especially with a history of deceit such as theirs?

We in New Era say no.

We believe that they are simply looking for a way to stay afloat, and with the current situation in the eWorld, they see an opportunity in doing so, by aligning towards our allies.

We believe that as soon as they see an opportunity of leaving us to follow their own interests, they will do so.

Over the past couple of months we have seen increased hostility between the alliances of TWO and CoT.

Harassment, cheap attempts of trolling, orders being set to fight against each other, among other things have all have been increasing more and more, but a full scale war has yet to break out.

In times like these, it is important to take a few steps back, and remember the friendship that once blossomed between these alliances.

To us in the United Kingdom, just a few months ago, among our closest allies were members of CoT.

Bulgaria, Chile, the Republic of Macedonia. They are all countries that come to mind.

The relationship between Macedonia and the United Kingdom, for example, goes further than the implementation of the Republic of Macedonia to eRepublik. For a long time the UK was home to many real life Macedonians, who made out the early population of the country after it was implemented into the game.

As it looks now, a war between CoT and TWO is inevitable. It is bound to break out sooner or later. However, it can be done with honour and respect.

The countless times officials from governments and alliance HQ’s have harassed and insulted each other in a dishonourable and disrespectful way is far too many to count, and I am very disappointed to say that this has been done by members of the UK government and her peoples.

While I understand that in times of trouble harassment and mudslinging will always occur, it is repulsing to see it being done by members of various government.

The level of diplomacy some people here display is disturbing. This is not a kindergarten, and whilst it is a game, it can be played with respect.

Taking real life conflicts and stereotypes and so forth into a game for the simple sake of provoking a war is not justifiable. It has been done countless times, but it is not justifiable.

Play the game as a game, and not as an extension of the horrendous aspects of real life.

Justify a war in the game, through the game, if that is what you’re looking for.

With that said, I would like to continue on the subject of in-game relations with some of the members of CoT.

Bulgaria, Macedonia and Chile have all proven great allies to the UK.

They have helped us countless times in our hour of need. They have proven loyal to us, and they have done close to nothing to deserve the lack of respect we in the UK have shown them lately.

In New Era we value the friendship that has been built with the countries over the past year or more, and we will not simply toss it away for nothing. We understand that at this point in time there may be very little to do about an outbreak of war between TWO and CoT, but in such a case we will fight with honour and respect.

We do not approve of the alienation of our friends that our government has shown lately. We do respect them, and we will not tolerate childish behaviour slagging them.

We stood by them yesterday, we do stand by them today, and by God I hope we will stand by them tomorrow.

As this article nears it’s end, the world will keep changing every day, and hopefully our team will be here to report and offer criticism to the United Kingdom, and the world, in the future as well.

Before I go, I would like to leave you with this:

”The forbearing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the manner in which an individual enjoys certain advantages over others is a test of a true gentleman.”

-General Robert E. Lee

Yours sincerely,