[MoR] Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Day 1,688, 10:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by eUK Home Office

This article is me saying thank you - thank you to everyone who's helped me out this month with various tasks for the NHS, everyone who's given time to pass on their knowledge as a mentor for new players, and everyone who donated Food, Currency and Gold to fund the NHS. To all of you, Thank You. You've all made this job slightly less unbearable a pleasure.

Enjoy this stock photo of an applauding crowd.

First, the mentors. Mentoring is a scheme that's actually been running in the eUK for years, but nobody noticed. What I did was find the new players, and show them to the old ones, all of whom had volunteered their vast knowledge onto the next generation. God help them.

Between them, they've taken 88 players under their wings, and I'm sure they've all been set on the right right path to being the next great clickers, so thank you:

Talon Karrde
Sir Humphrey Appleby
Tom Morgan
Elvis Trout
Mr Woldy
Daniel Thorrold
Thedark ace
Sven Goran Duran-Duran

Now, Niemand is first on that list because he deserves special mention. When I called for people to help out as mentors, he was first to answer. He's taken on more people than any other. He's come up with ideas and shouts to raise awareness. He's really gone above and beyond, so as special thanks for Niemand, he'll be receiving this congratulatory T-Shirt!

I'm actually quite distressed that this T-Shirt can be bought.

Next, I'd like to thank people who've helped me with the NHS food distribution. Helping out a few days doing the very same thing is how I got this job, so I fully expect these people to find themselves in future governments, since they've shown they can give up the time to help their fellow players. So, thank you:

vip b10

Your help has kept me out of hosipital.

Seriously, last month when BigAnt did this job, he was hospitalised by the end of it. It does tend to inspire bouts of craziness.

We've had those who've given their time for the NHS, but none of it would be possible without those who have funded it. Despite being a government scheme, the NHS has received massive amounts of donations to pay for it. In my last article, I mentioned nearly 240000 GBP has been spent giving out food to people. The amazing thing is, all of that money and more has been donated by you, citizens of the eUK and ONE.

So, thank you so, so much to:

Cygnus X1
Duncan Crowe
Emergy Maxfell
Max Blue
Mr. Spigot
Rogue Trooper
Tom Morgan

Another War Veteran
Anton Wagg
Danie Fox
Gordon Strachan
Prof. Turtal
Shane Puxty
Uros 188

Well, I've said thank you to so many people in this article, I can do no more. Instead, let me share with you a few of the thank you messages I've received in the course of this job, and I hope they'll warm your heart as much as they did mine.

Blue And Evil, Minister of Retention


Thank you for the support during my first month here it was greatly appreciated. I'm already close to level 25 I think I will stay with the People's Army.

Once again thanks for the food supplies.


Thank you so much i will repay the euk somehow 🙂

~Silver Rambo

I've managed a way of making gold (= money=food), that is, earning battle medals. many thanks for the help provided.


I think what you guys do is amazing, I want to "give something back" - if not the food, then maybe easing someone's workload.

~Lord Frederick North