[HN] This Is For You Noveras

Day 1,143, 15:44 Published in Malaysia USA by Sir Hypnotoad
This was originally intended to be just a comment, but it got too long, so I decided to make an article-everyone's doing it.

This is a response to this article, if it can even be called "an article". It would be more suitable to call it "A Vile Stain on Society". It is nothing more than lies, and facts that have been twisted beyond recognition by the vile perpetrator of the article, Noveras.

>"I'm going to use the money to create a new eMY party"

Why is this a bad idea? Well, if Noveras even cared enough to pay attention, he would have realized that we don't even have enough blockers for the current parties, and this would only open us up to a PTO, which is already being attempted by those who would seek to hurt eMalaysia.

>"Now JS let me refresh your memory,who is the person who come to you and said "Hey bro,if you need any help restarting your eLife just come and ask me and I will help you with best I can."

That was me. And, apparently, you.
Oh, wait. It was pretty much everyone in eMalaysia. That shows just how much of a great guy he is, and continues to be.

>"You in the other hand support the toad when he slamp amer59 for creating multiple accounts when he is no"

It is amazing that you still can't follow logic.

amer59--> Banned. Reason: multiple accounts (ban revoked later)
mansour09..>Banned. Reason: multiple accounts
mansour009-->Banned. Reason: multiple accounts

Are you seeing a trend here? I, as most people in the eMalaysian community, was willing to accept mansour into our society for a third time. But when that account gets banned for the same reasons that the other two got banned, it starts to look a little suspicious, doesn't it? Of course my trust, and most people's trust would plummet.

But now he has been vindicated, and all is good. (Sorry for bringing this up mansour. This is not an attack against you, but a defense of a friend.)

>"you and your bff the toad accused me that I hacked the forum and aloud my self to be the mod when the truth is JuVin gave me the access."

Let's look through the records a little bit, shall we?

Here is the thread where, supposedly mind you, Noveras was accused of hacking the forums and making himself a mod.

In that thread, several possible versions of the story are given. Since not all of the facts were known, it was not possible to know entirely what happened. Here were the possible situations, on order of likeliness that (the Administration Team) believed to have had occurre😛

1) JuVin gave Noveras moderator access (this was actually absolute fact, we knew that much)
2) Noveras asked Juvin for moderator access (still could have happened)
3) Pigs flew.
4) Hell froze over
5) Noveras hacked the forums.

(please note, numbers 3&4 are simply there for comedic effect)

And what was stated in the thread?
*Noveras was given access that he should not have had, since it was not discussed among the Administration team. Ergo, it was taken away.
*(former) Administrator JuVin gave him the unauthorized Moderator access. Ergo, JuVin had his Administrator access revoked.
*Neither Noveras or JuVin were banned from the forums, and were aloud to plead their case, to which Noveras sai😛

"And the toad and the kitten keep being a loser lol
You guys must be a total moron and an idiot to say I my self can add my self into the administration and than aloud my self to be the mode.

No matter how bad you are trying to make me look in the end there are more people that hate you than they hate me.Like I always said,I have more allies than you know "

No attempt at defense. None at all. Just insulting others.

>"Ok now,for you to pay my kindness with that kind of attitude that you are just not a loyal friend but also hypocrite and a beast with no honor in your life at all."

No honor hrm? Interesting, considering the author has no honor...

Malaysia, I've seen a pattern in the actions of Noveras. Have you?