[eWSOP] Introducing eWorld Series of Poker

Day 1,610, 11:53 Published in Lithuania Lithuania by Brisiaus Galas

Greetings dear eRepublikans,

We - Team MoC eLithuania would like to introduce to you our latest project – eWorld Series of Poker. We are organizing poker tournaments at eLithuania for quite some time and I believe we are not the first to do that. From now we are willing to take it to the next level. We were planing this project for quite some time and i will try briefly explain everything now.

Article in other languages: Macedonian, Slovenian

How it works.
The games will be played at PokerStars poker site. First, one of the eWSOP administrators stages a poker tournament and releases an article with all the tournament information 2 days before the tournament begins. Then all participating players pay a fee in CC to the tourney administrator. Before the start of the tournaments few times a day administrator updates the prizepool, participating players, estimated prizes, sponsors and so on. After the tournament is finished in 1 hour admin distributes prizes to the winners and updates the article adding the winners. Every player who reaches the paid places will be added to “Poker tournaments winning leaderboard” and it will be updated after every tournament and publicated at every eWSOP article.

We will not discriminate any eRepublik alliance/country.
Every player is invited to play. Before, you could settle your differences at battlefield or press. Now there will be one more way to destroy each other. Wouldn’t it be fun to watch Flausino, ScymeX and Romper to face-off at the poker table?

Our goals.
We will start organizing games once we reach 50 members at our club. Buy-ins to the tournaments will range from 100CC to 500CC.
We officially invite MoC’s members and other representatives from all eRepubliks to join eWorld Series of Poker administrators team. Once we will have administration members from other eRepublik countries in our team we will organize tournaments between specific countries as an example Bulgaria vs Turkey (giggle). Also the team members from other timezones would fill the tournaments schedule.

eWSOP admins team:

1. aurimaass (Lithuania)
2. PetrasVykintas (Lithuania)
3. krste83 (Macedonia)
4. vecko98 (Slovenia)

Our mission.
Once we reach 200 members – we will start the eWSOP series. The buy-ins will range from 500CC to 2000CC and will contain 5 tournaments in each series, including a staggering 5000CC buy-in Main Event. All winners will be awarded eBracelets and added to the Hall of fame.
In time the buy-ins may change a little – but you get the point .

Best regards,
eWSOP Club Manager,
Team MoC eLithuania