[Boh] Congress Update 5

Day 1,878, 22:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bohemond4

Today is my latest report. As I have not reported on the ingame votes for the past 5 days, there are several to discuss. So, bear with me!

First of all, I would like to announce my entering the ambassador program for this month as the ambassador to Ireland, our close neighbors who we have recently closed a TW with.

The first law up for voting was an MPP with Latvia. I voted yes to this for the reason being our alliance with the Baltic nations alliance, including Estonia and Lithuania. This vote passed with 30 votes to 4, a total of 34 votes were cast.

Peace with Irelan😛 Our TW has come to an end, its been fun, we had a good time, I got a TP medal. Sounded good to me, therefore I voted yes to this. Passed 20 to 1, a total of 21 votes cast.

MPP with Australia: I support this proposal, however, I feel that the Australian CP forced our hand too early with this MPP. I chose to vote NO to this in an attempt to prolong the discussion, however, this vote passed with 22 votes in favour and 9 against. A total of 31 votes cast, this reamins to be seen what will happen in future. I regard this vote as a blunder by all parties involved, and has seen the resignation of Thomas765 from the MoFA role.

MPP with Indonesia I voted YES to as I have seen them lay down damage against our enemies and they have been instrumental in the breaking down of Croatia and Romania in Asia. This passed 35 to 1. A total of 36 votes cast.

Income tax raise from 3% to 5% was proposed. As stated elsewhere I support this so voted yes. The law failed to pass, with 15 in favour and 18 against. A total of 32 votes cast.

What can we see from this? Overall, there has been a decline in voting from the high levels of 37 earlier in the term to around 33 votes being cast on average. While this might not seem like a significant drop, this shows that inactivity or a failure to vote is beginning to bite at Congress.

I would also like to address the failure in communication between the Ministry of FA, the MoLA and Congress over the Australian MPP. I believe that lessons can be learnt from this, namely: don't rush in to an alliance with a prior enemy country before we finish negotiations. As it stands, Indonesia is poised to NE Australia thus negating a 10k MPP spent signing a treaty with Indonesia and perhaps encouraging our members to fight for Australia in the coming war, which may harm our CoT relations.

This was not a failure of government, so, I will not be blaming BigAnt for this, rather, I would like to think of it as a failure of communication. Something that we can work on in the future.

Thanks for reading! Next will be the results of the latest proposals, how I voted and what I think we can take away from that!

Bohemond4, your local Congress member.