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51 Day 4,684 ,18:23 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

For the people who walk on eggshells around Groot because of his threats to withhold his damage, imagine the damage this does:

Personally, I think a majority of the people who have turned

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When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough ...

4 Day 4,669 ,14:28 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

knuckle under. They call it "prudence." On the bright side, whenever the U.S. flip-flops yet again to a new alliance, that alliance fails in a matter of months. At which point, "prudence" demands the U.S. flip-flops yet again. It's only prudent, you

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Flip-Flops Are Beachwear

34 Day 4,624 ,13:11 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Enough of years of feckless "leadership." I haven't seen anything that shows how the eUS would be better off outside of CODE, no plan, just "Our feewings are huht so we wanna leave."

No to flip-flops, yes to beach balls. As in "Grow a pair."

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Stop Being Stupid And Greedy

25 Day 4,164 ,20:51 在USA发布 USA 战略分析 战略分析

Stop fighting for the wrong side in these training wars. You are forcing US soldiers to waste resources tanking to make sure the wars go the way they are supposed to go, which ends up making the whole thing uneconomical. If it becomes too

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Hello, I'm A New Player

30 Day 4,139 ,13:57 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

This game sure is complicated. Lots to learn. Wars, economy, politics, wow. But at least I can help my country, the United States, in my real-life state of California. Oh, California is part of Thailand. How did that happen? I thought Thailand is

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