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[Elections]: Candidatura CP Gennaio 2020

79 Day 4,416 ,03:04 在Italy发布 Italy 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Anno nuovo, CP nuovo!

Scherzi a parte, presento ufficialmente la mia candidatura a CP per il prossimo mese.

Come premessa, vorrei un dialogo tra tutti i giocatori, sembra utopia, ma alla fine in Italia siamo 4 gatti, se evitiamo di consumare

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17 Day 4,399 ,08:20 在Italy发布 Italy 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Dopo lo scorso articolo, eccomi festeggare un altro traguardo prefissomi tempo fa.

Arrivare Legend.

Screenshot del ranking appena ER me lo fara' apparire, se mai accadra'!

Ed ora, forse, un po' di meritata pausa.

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[Liv. 200+]Ciao ciao palestre a pagamento!

42 Day 4,387 ,07:22 在Italy发布 Italy 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

L'altro giorno sono arrivato alla soglia del livello 200

e finalmente d'ora in avanti anche io avro' le palestre gratis. 🙂


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This is how you kill a community:

15 Day 4,349 ,09:04 在Italy发布 Italy 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析


1 - Denying citizenship to Italian players who would like to return to their country, based on personal preferences or on fear they will have different ideas (and hence will vote against). Luckily during dictatorship the

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[Game] Game Tokens

28 Day 4,272 ,07:46 在Italy发布 Italy 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Day 4,272

Game Tokens
Introducing Game Tokens

We are releasing a feature requested by many of you over the time. Citizens will now be able to safely and quickly exchange currency for packs previously only available via purchase in the

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