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[ESO] Who needs a title

4 Day 2,887 ,13:24 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Esteemed members of ESO. Thank you for popping my PP Cherry! (hehe)
Commiserations to Aleks, you put up a good fight and I wish you all the luck for next time.

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[ESO] Vote Cherry!

20 Day 2,882 ,13:05 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

For those who care, I'm running for Party President!

Why vote for me?

I have committed Bribery

As well as Blackmail
[img]http://i.imgur.com/[/img] … 更多 »

[ESO] Mr Immanuel Kant Interview

8 Day 2,807 ,14:05 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Welcome to my first interview. I'm not good at introductions so without further ado I present to you ex-dictator and honorary ESO member MR IMMANUEL KANT!

[img]http://i.imgur.com/ewvoOLV.[/img] … 更多 »

[ESO] FREE FOOD with Mr Cherry

33 Day 2,797 ,16:47 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

The New Guy...

Hello there, I'm Mr Cherry, I joined the day London was taken by Argentina in a desperate patriotic attempt to help defend our country.
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