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Mit ígértek a románok Gyulafehérváron 1918-ban?

112 Day 1,838 ,07:25 在Austria发布 Austria 战略分析 战略分析

Nemrég olvastam egy cikket, olvassátok ti is:

Mit ígértek a románok Gyulafehérváron 1918-ban?

1914-ben, az első világháború kitörésekor Románia politikusai már évtizedek óta álmodoztak, gondolkoztak, terveket készítettek Magyarország

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[lazo] Campaign Goals & Candidate for Cabinet Work

3 Day 1,838 ,03:47 在Austria发布 Austria 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Hi dear citizens of eAustria!

Yesterday I wrote an article about my candidate for the presidency. Today I want to write my goals shortly, and I want to ask you, dear citizens, if you have spirit and potential for the cabinet work, join us to

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Presidential elections

10 Day 1,837 ,04:27 在Austria发布 Austria 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Hi dear citizens of eAustria!

I decided to run for presidency in December. As you remember I was the president in October, but I think that I don't finished my job. It was an eventful month, and we couldn't finished all the goals. The american … 更多 »

[MoFA] Message from Serbian Ambassador

12 Day 1,825 ,10:51 在Austria发布 Austria 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Hello Austria!

The Serbian ambassador, eSerbon asked me to publish his article. I fulfill his request gladly, and I hope the relation between our countries will be stronger and … 更多 »

Lazo on the Olympos

20 Day 1,824 ,02:04 在Austria发布 Austria 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

From today I'm not Legen... wait for it... dary Force***, I'm God of War! \o/

I know that the half of players has the rank 'God of War' and it's no big deal, but I'm so happy! 😃

[img]http://wiki.erepublik.com/images/1/12/Godofwargv.jpg[/[/img] … 更多 »