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Shk shk

very important

3 Day 3,533 ,09:11 在Mexico发布 Mexico 社交娱乐 社交娱乐


too cool to be real hahahahaha

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life is sweet

9 Day 3,494 ,10:01 在Cuba发布 Cuba 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Feel good!

get owned

Let's headbang!!!

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Leyenda de eCuba

39 Day 3,395 ,02:25 在Cuba发布 Cuba 社交娱乐 社交娱乐


Por varios días estuve viendo dónde podía tomar el rango. La decisión estaba entre países Asteria u Orión.

Me acerqué a algunos jugadores cubanos y les pregunté si podía tomar el rango acá, cómo venía la mano. Con gran … 更多 »

[Nurap Contest Winners] And the prizes go to...

11 Day 3,378 ,17:30 在Netherlands发布 Netherlands 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Hiya peeps...
The judges and I were locked in for many days, discussing the features of each writing.

Well, after long hours we had to chill out and started drinking mojitos. … 更多 »

[NuRap Contest] hit me with your acronyms, babe!

25 Day 3,369 ,16:15 在Netherlands发布 Netherlands 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Hello, I was thinking in encouraging some contests and games. This first attempt will work like a test of ideas for us like Dutch Government.
If you don’t like it AT ALL, you think is totally useless you … 更多 »