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58 Day 2,144 ,05:29 在Canada发布 Canada 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

As I said, last article, I am very glad to be here.

If some people have been tearing holes in each other, that is sad. However, many of us would prefer not to get involved.

However, one thing concerns me. People are saying that new citizens … 更多 »

Hello Canada!

26 Day 2,142 ,02:40 在Canada发布 Canada 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

First of all, thank you all, collectively, for giving me a new home. No matter what people may be saying in eCanadian domestic politics, I am one of those huddled masses yearning to breathe free!

You see, eRepublik caters for the best and worst … 更多 »

Our Congress at Work

19 Day 2,108 ,03:53 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

One of the functions of the press, in the guise of the media module, is to bring before the people information about how their representatives are serving them. Democracy may be fragile but without public accountability, greater evils run free, as

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Questions for the great and powerful

18 Day 2,103 ,21:54 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Small parties and individuals are locked out of power in e-Republik and particularly in the eUS. However, we do have one thing left - our votes.

As we approach our first Congressional election in a long time, thanks mainly to those unfunded

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Opening Pandora’s Box

28 Day 2,065 ,00:10 在USA发布 USA 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

This shout was posted many times during the latter half of election day:

“Vote for Derphoof in the AFA! Time for Pony Representation!

DO … 更多 »