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Very good reader, very bad writer

1. Sub my newspaper
2. PM me with the number and your newspaper link.
3. I'll sub you back.
4. Thank you.

Cersesc 25 de comentarii pentru Misiunea "Junior Journalist"!

72 Day 2,466 ,03:49 在Republic of Moldova发布 Republic of Moldova 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Buna ziua la toata lumea!!!
Cred ca ati fost surprinsi si voi de misiunile proaspat aparute:

Una din ele este asta:

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Media Mogul Achievement

33 Day 2,399 ,03:18 在Republic of Moldova发布 Republic of Moldova 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

To be honest, I've just started this newspaper for the Media Mogul Medal. So if you are interested, sub this Newspaper and PM me the link of your own and I'll sub back. Regards.

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