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[Prez] New Government

13 Day 1,355 ,15:11 在Singapore发布 Singapore 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

I would just like to thank all who supported me in my quest to become president of Singapore.
I’d like to congratulate Bogdan Armand Sibrand on completing a very successful term as President. You’ve set a great example for any new president to

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alimilano for cp

8 Day 1,347 ,10:48 在Singapore发布 Singapore 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Hmm, cant say I'm joining race for cp because i'm only candidate supported from other our parties (not count ptoed parties) so hope i become president walking xD. This will be only article about my candidature, i dont wanna write books about this,

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17 Day 1,342 ,07:07 在Singapore发布 Singapore 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

PRIORITY VOTE FOR Logan, Arbryn, Thedark and Ancor Jael 13.15 erep time

Tommorow, Monday Congress elections will be held in eSingapore. We secured 4 our parties (SRP, NGP, Tewio and SW) with candidates and blockers. Blockers are 更多 »


7 Day 1,333 ,00:11 在Singapore发布 Singapore 政治论坛及分析 政治论坛及分析

Today, Friday, from 09:00 until tomorrow, Saturday, until 08:59 (RL time) party elections will be held in eSingapore. This is the list of the confirmed eSingaporean candidates for this places. The parties are sorted by its size.


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New Changes...

6 Day 1,330 ,08:31 在Singapore发布 Singapore 经济焦点 经济焦点

...from Plato

Dear fellow citizens!

Today, we have been thrilled with the new changes that pertain (lo and behold!) the economic module, i.e. working in the … 更多 »