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Sweet Baby James

12 Day 2,784 ,10:29 在Australia发布 Australia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

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The Band Played Waltzing Matilda

15 Day 2,783 ,05:56 在Australia发布 Australia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

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Enjoy the silence

15 Day 2,780 ,12:08 在Australia发布 Australia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

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The Bridge Over Troubled Water

54 Day 2,765 ,09:25 在Australia发布 Australia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

"We do not want Australia represented by men mainly because of their ability, natural and inborn in Jews, to push themselves"
Charles Edwin Woodrow Bean

Hello eAustralia, with the hangover after the party president elections It’s time to

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Time to revolution

14 Day 2,687 ,14:41 在Australia发布 Australia 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Estimados ciudadanos de eRepublik, el día de hoy les vengo a proponer iniciar una revolución para exigir a Plato que implemente los … 更多 »