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Mereka tidak mengerti

6 Day 1,144 ,06:22 在Malaysia发布 Malaysia

Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera di ucapkan buat warga eMalaysian sekalian. Jika kalian tidak memahami atau tidak tahu apa makna artikel ini carilah ikhtiar. Menuju cabaran dunia eRepublik yang penuh pancaroba pelbagai sentimen di gunakan untuk

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[PERKUS]Laws of this society

7 Day 1,112 ,00:20 在Malaysia发布 Malaysia

Before you can join PERKUS you must agreed with PERKUS's law
1. Laws is make to be broken.

Any suggestion , ada bantahan??

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11 Day 1,106 ,21:32 在Malaysia发布 Malaysia

First of all I want to tell all of you about new ideology PERKUS (Persatuan Kucing Se-eREpublik) Erepublik's cats society, this ideology is about love to life.

This ideology is called cats society of PERKUS is offically known as the agency and

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Good bye eMalaysia

11 Day 949 ,08:07 在Malaysia发布 Malaysia

The reason I am quit
1. I hate version 2 it need to use alot of time
2. To Coalation of Free, what you mean coalation? The member that are originally from DPP aka DAP,
3. I Hate V2
4. I hate V2
5. I hate V2
6. I hate V2
7. I hate V2


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Politic, economic and social

7 Day 912 ,23:28 在Malaysia发布 Malaysia

How long I leave this newspaper alone, first of all I want to say Hi to who does not know me.

Nowdays, I did not see any eSerb PTO articles, are they retired? I hope so, or they think so boring to PTO a united country. Last month was month where

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