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Be a smart seller

3 Day 1,542 ,02:39 在China发布 China 经济焦点 经济焦点

When it comes to selling (q3, q4, q5, q6) items on market - never put more than 100 items as market offer, having more just brings the price down.

If we all have patience, we would all profit.

Please send this message to anybody with … 更多 »

Do something about bazookas!

7 Day 1,514 ,00:41 在China发布 China 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Current situation in my storage:

Barrel: 246
Scope: 0
Rocket: 17
Trigger: 291
Stock: 258

I believe it is about the same with everybody, ratio between getting scope/rocket and

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Ako niste znali rezultat je 8:0

1 Day 1,512 ,14:26 在China发布 China 战略分析 战略分析

Nemam riječi, slika govori sve ...

Nagrada za borce s obadvije strane, tko bude dobar dobije i nastavak:

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Pregled statistike nakon završene bitke

2 Day 1,501 ,10:47 在China发布 China 战略分析 战略分析

Nejednom ste došli u situaciju nemogućnosti provjere vašeg (ili tuđeg) učinka nakon što je bitka završila.

Sljedeći javascript kod omogućuje pregled Top 5 statistika i nakon što je bitka završila, nažalost samo u Chrome pregledniku.


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Dani ponosa i slave

3 Day 1,452 ,02:21 在China发布 China 战略分析 战略分析

Dvije slike, svaka govori po 500 riječi:

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