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[Guardians of United Kingdom] A Stronger Nation

4 Day 1,887 ,22:18 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

The Guardians of United Kingdom desire a stronger emphasis on dispensing our military resources more … 更多 »

New Party Founded- Guardians of United Kingdom

18 Day 1,884 ,10:56 在United Kingdom发布 United Kingdom 社交娱乐 社交娱乐

Greetings my fellow UKers, today I announce the creation of a new party called Guardians of United 更多 »

Minister of Education

5 Day 1,872 ,13:14 在Canada发布 Canada 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Well my time as MoE is drawing near (some of you will no doubt be cheerful about this).

While MoE I have kept my promise to Foxfire and have kept at least one

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New to eRepublik?

1 Day 1,871 ,17:08 在Canada发布 Canada 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Hello from the Ministry of Education and Welcome to eRepublik.

The Ministry of Education is contacting new players to let them know about helpful information. … 更多 »

How much do you know? [for new players]

8 Day 1,871 ,16:47 在Canada发布 Canada 新人指导及教育 新人指导及教育

Hope you have been enjoying your time in eCanada

If you have only been in this game for 40 days or less then you have a chance to win gold or q7 weapons or Canadian Currency. All you have to do is to be the first to answer the following questions

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